Websites Calendar 2009

Job Times


August 2009

15 SatadminCotswold challenge 14-16 August

The Cotswold Way Ultra takes in 57 miles of quintessentially English Countryside, passing through rolling farmland and ancient beech woods, and taking in a rich slice of British history from Bronze Age barrows to Neolithic burial grounds and Stone Age hill forts. Think this is a new one

the one Diana, Izzy, Sebastian, and Emma did was 22 miles over two days

Doing a 22 mile walk in aid of breast cancer. Cant wait. Any contributions much appreciated Click on the link www.bmycharity .com/dianacotswoldchallenge om shanti Diana xxx

Hi there

In August I’m walking 22 miles along the Cotswold Way with my cousin Diana and her daughter Izzy to raise money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Our motivation is that we have all been touched by someone with breast cancer and want to do something practical to support our friends and families.

Every penny counts, so however little or great your gift, it would be wonderful if you could support me. Just click here if you would like to add your support (and don’t forget to tick the gift aid box which increasing your donation by 28%, costs you nothing but gives the charity more).

I really appreciate your support and will be thinking of you as I trudge my way, singing and smiling, along the Cotswold Way!


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