Websites Calendar 2010

Job Times


June 2010

1 TuekylNews: add delete, and date_extend to db
Alter cms to delete,archive an article; splitting out the archive articles to be accessed seperately from the live articles
Alter cms to hold extend date field which defaults to end of month if not changed
Fix the archive so that you cannot change the extend date
Alter the side panel to cater for extended date period 3.5 hours
 jazz jspecial discount jjpost10 for postal discount available for orders over 10 items .5 0.500.00
 tabletSubscription file load .5 hr
Problem of pdf character dump when using back button first time after signing in on internet explorer 2.0 hr
Problem for firefox of having to press back button twice still remains 1.0

2 Wedtabletinvestigation re i-pad i-phone, small devices for website. i-pad does not use flash. 2 hrs

investigation re blog for abigail at the tablet for 2 weeks. Same as letters extra. Problem with loading images on a mac. Gosia cannot see the i-browser on her mac. When testing macs here safari does not work for i-browser and problem on firefox where popup find button is over the upload button so cannot get it to work. Change ibrowser.php image from 53 to 30 2 hrs
 adminupdating calendar to total up each day and totals for printouts per client 2.000.00

3 Thutablettest on i-phone. The tablet website is fine especially as it uses the text size symbols. Headturner will not work as it is a flash application. .5 hr 0.500.00
 adminheadturner clement for ic publications 0208 889 3845 trial african business. Discussion of subscriptions. Will ring Jim on Monday re holding the edition on their server 0.500.00
 jazz jjazz journal printout 69 labels for renewal .5 0.500.00
 subslooking at f://subs/impact/impact.mdb printing out report to subs printer.
f:\\sub\shorts\impac t.bat
account reports
full listing
Jan needs to convert it to pdf - need access db software .5
 kylquote for work discussed at meeting on Friday 28 May 1.000.00

4 FritabletChange password on latestnews .5 hr
investigate last years lecture stats .5 hr
extend priority order to 20 .5 hr
create preview page of letters extra/latest news/blogg 2.5 hr
create blog page 2.0
access to blog page on home page .5

7 MonadminQuote for the tablet2.000.00
 tabletsubscription file upload .5 hour0.500.00
 jazz jcheckout an order .25 hr 0.250.00

8 Tuesubsimpact. Changed report to fit pdf. .5 hr

Solution is to default the printer to pdf. run report and re-default printer back 2 hr
 tablettwitter/facebook added to homepage 1 mockup in four places. created the images and links .5 hour
Investigated costing for ipad/iphone app .5 hrs
Checking the diary .5 hrs
 adminkls checked out log files 1.0
kent now redirected to

9 Wedadminupdate pageturner on headley site .5
investigate zencart, site veebubs and niem design
to quote for refresh of current site and one new one 2.0

quote to rhinegold re head turner. create an example on how to link 2.5
install zen cart onto website and go through documentation 1.5
 tablettwitter/facebook to go on top left of page .50.500.00
 mailingprocess bat file to delete and copy over xls files 0.500.00

10 Thuadminmailing dos batch file 1.0
Zencart investigation/testing 2.0
meeting with Nichola Thornton 2.0

11 Friadmininvestigation zencart, veebubs for ftp login etc. cannot get source. will just work on lillyella
2 hours
intranet load photos 2 hours
 tabletchange diary to hold haiti in link and html title to hold meta data haiti diary as poor SEO 1.0 hr
newsletter csv file remove quotes around email and name .5

14 MonlillyellaCheckout zencart 2 hours2.000.00
 adminintranet gallery create access on to just gallery on web 1.0 1.000.00
 tabletsubscription file .5 hr0.500.00

15 Tuejazz jSpecial July offer on payform.php. Subscription show special offer. will need to remove at end of July .5
Special offer add to admin pages an animated gif for new sub offer, add table offer,to do an internal link from home page 2.0 hr
 tabletinvestigate yudu for advertising -only smartads
investigate woodwing 1.0
 lillyellaslider get right message working and test a number of browsers 2 hours 2.000.00

16 Wedlillyellazencart 3 hours3.000.00
 adminheadturner link documentation 2.0 hrs 2.000.00
 jazz jspecial offer .50.500.00

17 Thutabletinvestigate iphone app Guardian
investigate mobile website 4.5 hr
 jazz jterms and conditions - returns policy 1 hr
add terms and conditions, copyright to jj store 2 hrs
create special offer page for july

18 Frijazz jcreate july cover for web and shop .5
change animated gif to say free CD .5
 admincheck cs and yudu for online mag .50.500.00
 tabletmobile page

21 Montabletmobile page 2.0 hr2.000.00
 kylgallery cms change order displayed to latest first. split into seasons 2 hrs 2.000.00

22 Tuekylleft column changes for archive 3 hrs
adding fixture news and referee news 3 hrs
Move archive date to top of lefthand col 1.5 hr
 adminexhibition in Ashford of fine art and web design0.500.00

23 Wedkyldefault for results
postponed fixture prior to game - team page 6.0

24 Thukylteam page 4.0 hr
 lillyellashopping cart application1.000.00
 admincheckout unite messaging .5 hr0.500.00

25 Frikylteam page/results 1.0 hr 1.000.00
 tabletproblem on plain pdf not displaying. Checkout logic re issue file name and embedding 2 hr
Newsletter - 2 weeks worth
 adminpassword for dbheadley/headley for jhort .5
zencart investigation 2.0
 mailingunite access file trying to figure out messages 2.000.00

28 Monmailingunite batch file 2.0 hr
load access 2007 at home check it out 1.0 hr
 tabletlogin-options amend to prevent duplicate key failure if changing email to one which exists for another subscriber 1 hr
subscription file add .5 hour
 lillyellazencart of veebubs 2.5 hrs2.500.00
 cstepsload july/aug pdfs 1.0 hr 1.000.00
 jazz jlook at reviews problem with html characters turning text to bold. .5 hr 0.500.00

29 Tuekylcreate a demo slider show of website for the meeting tonight. /slider .5 hrs 0.500.00
 adminprojecter look at setup for kyl meeting. create slider show general as example 1.0 1.000.00
 mailingunite put onto memory stick to look at re carrier sheet .5 hr
look at access 2007 .5
 cstepsjuly/aug create new issue website 1.0 1.000.00
 tabletlook at website subs as to why an invalid one is available. create website_check and validate all which are live 3.000.00

30 Wedadminheadleysofashford dbselector web2deshead
problem on db .5

kls session run out .5
 mailingbat file unite spaces need to be around whole directory path ie "L:/unite/mail rep/rll.xl" rather than just end bit .5 0.500.00
 tabletlook at website subs. Clean up db file checking out duplicates, checking current records are all live using cds gateway. Clean up registration and login functions 4.5 hrs 4.500.00
 kylbackup the db for the last season. Checkout the add a new season .5 hours 0.500.00
 jazz jjazz journal august and september labels - date in incorrect format .5 hr
Problem on servage when Mark is trying to get July issue live
Add back issue to slider
Add information into the shop back issue .5
Goto Admin