Websites Calendar 2012

Job Times


September 2012

3 Montabletpastoral review problem with cover image not saved on db. Perl CGI contents_admin.cgi is not either displaying or amending cover photo.
Manually inserted into db. Must look at later
 subsInquirer db on Jan's machine problem with access.
Converting db to put on subscription db. 4.0
Jan's machine for emango lost pword - recovered for her .5

INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2, col3) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table2 WHERE col4='some value'
INSERT INTO Lsubs03092012 (subref,tit,fname,lname,org,add1,add2,add3,add4, ad d6,cou,state,expire,
jobref,mtype,rate,air,copies) SELECT
subId,title,fname,lname,org,add1,add 2,add3,add4,pc,cou,'A','2099-01-01',
5, 'M','FRE',air,copies FROM inquirerLoad

Testing and checking db is good 2.0

 adminAugust workload0.500.00

4 Tueadmin10:40 Dr Brown antibiotics amoxicillin 250mg capsules
reaction to this penicilin
 kylproblem with access on gallery - change recursive 777. Andy may upload from ipad /iphone not sure what format these are in. 0.001.00
 wuydemo site:
site setup
db set up on headley test site

wellingutd -> ftp site for uploading images etc for pilot website
 Traininginconsistencies for subs between ie and firefox 2.0

investigating jquery plugins 1.0

5 Wedkylbug in gallery for 2nd page 0.000.75
 tabletadd restriction on blog to 1500 characters1.000.00
 jazz jadd the cap and mug to the shop0.750.00
 digitalquery re cross media sub domain for headley-digital doesn't seem to have sent emails to Julia 0.500.00
 subsInquirer - need to create a report.
Unfortunately Lesleys printer resizes pdfs onto the page which means labels cannot be printed.




investigating plugins for drag and for validating maxlength for input

6 Thuadminholiday paralympics

 tabletproblem with letters extra not showing. I think Abigail probably didn't refresh the page 0.500.00
 hoaBook purchase passed across to Jan0.250.00
 jazz jemails bouncing email name Think servage is refusing it because it could be hijack. Servage has not issued any problems with mail servers in the last few weeks 0.000.50

7 Friadminsick7.500.00
 LCRemail campaign 1159 -not sent as it looks like the word document is from last September and it does not match to 0.500.00

9 and up for renewal 16/9/2012 0.000.00
 kylAdded 11 photos to the management committee1.000.00
 subsReport splits.php for splitting the active subs into sinuk, sinos, multiples, air 1.500.00

10 Monadminannual holiday Manchester

pay and .25
 kylAmended photos to portrait size and removed some of the back shadow
Request to remove Alan Barty and the rules revision page. Plus query over the shadow removal on Brian Budd
 LCRemail campaign 11590.500.00

11 Tueadminannual holiday7.500.00

12 Wedadminannual holiday7.500.00
 kylextended date for R&T Tours .15
remove will sanderson from committee
and cms access .35

13 Thutabletproblem with books and art not showing reviewer0.000.50
 subsReport splits.php for splitting the active subs into sinuk, sinos, multiples, air 5.000.00
 kyladd steve down and ian brooke to cms system0.500.00
 JHSupdate website for september 2012 (v87 no5) and upload pdfs to ISHS
7 @ £25.00 =£175.00
email pdfs to authors 20 @ £4.50 = £90.00
Total = £265.00

14 FrisubsReport splits.php for splitting the active subs creating labels 5.000.00

17 Monadmin8:50 dr kinersley0.000.00
 kylProblem on results page where linesmen are being displayed a number of times. Inititialization problem .5

add a new team Erith and Belvedere u16n when tournament is locked. Can do manually. .75

Need to look at abandoned games - request to add notes as to why abandoned.
 LCRemail campaign 11600.500.00
 subssplits 1.0
standardizing subs.php, menu.php pg31, pg91, pg8 between subs and kls 3.5
 jazz jcheck out email problems1.000.00

18 Tuejazz jAdd captcha to blog.php and limit the amount of content 2,5
Investigate the email problems .5
The bouncing and spam filters maybe due to the dodgy blog responses. Hopefully these will stop with the captcha added.
 substrying to sync changes on kls to subs on intranet 4.000.00
 kylbye records on u14c have a fixture date so showing on fixtures page.

Checked out removeteam but it could have been a manual intervention

19 Wedadminadded search facility to calendar 2.5
problem with phpmyadmin on servage ticket .5
 jazz jSarah informed me that Metropolitan police looking at JJ as was hacked 2 years ago. Password was added to directory on 30/4/2011 as shop was hacked.
Not sure which table they are talking about as ref JJ33 is on the ipn table This does not hold sensitive data except email
No jj33 but jj1133 which was entered on monday 30 aug 2010. They say they have hackers ip address - would like to know where they have got this from as the ip address relates to the purchaser.

I need to check with them in case the hacker relates to jazzjournal site in which case there will be more info on subscriber
servage email servers down ticket .5
 kylquery re team emblem not updating. It looks like it has updated to me. 0.250.00
 tabletI changed the blog.php to minimize the size of the blog content to 1500 characters. This appears not to be working - probably a cached version of old module is in action as a commentator came through with a blog over 6000 characters.
Altered .htaccess for non-caching of blog.php and the header used meta data to prevent caching as well

20 Thutabletjquery validation - Internet explorer not working with the validation. Changed the module for blog.php 2.000.00
 subssyncing up changes kls to subs4.000.00
 wuyrequest some images0.000.50

21 Frimailingcreate yudu page to allow for data entry cms
welcome page for Anne in reception. IE has changed to version 8 and so the logo is getting overwritten with multiple tab header. Dropped the message board down and altered the logo to the non 130 celebrations one 1.00
 jazz jupdated the blog to deal with internet explorer. Added meta data to prevent caching and .htaccess to prevent caching on blog.php 2.0
Altered blog.php validation logic to deal with ie
Altered index.php to stop the slideshowimages2 being referenced and yet not using flash .5
this now is not displaying errors for ie

checked out email problem need more info .5
 kylVCD emblem. Must be a browser problem. Need to force ie to not cache images - check out chablais
Add Brian Budd to users .5
Advert decrease size of animated ad as it is huge. It is an incorrect size being 90 x 242 should be 60 x 468 but have changed kyl.css to accomodate a different size 1.0
 subsfew more changes to kls and subs. 1.0
Looked at lille request. Looks like Jon wants a duplicate site defaulting in French with English option with all the French solicitors. .25

22 Satadminhaircut at 4pm laura
meal with barbie 1:30

24 MonJHSip addresses0.001.50
 mailingheadstart incorrect setup passed over to Graham Smith 0.000.50
 kylinbox problem .5
manually amended u16n added in a team - cannot be done through cms as fixtures already been created. Since a team dropped out and their fixtures were changed to byes I just replaced with new team

25 Tuekylremoved access to ftp from the sub control panel
and changed pwd to v4ll5y5xpr5ss. Looks like someone has managed to access ftp and put back an old index.php from 2010. The date stamp was changed to 24 Sep 2012 15:56 so it wasn't a rename

11 games abandoned on sunday which have not gone back into fixtures. Updated fixtures manually and now need to make sure that abandoned games update by adding a new fixture 3.0
 LCRemail campaign 11610.500.00 - copyright standards for digital/paper publishers. Tried embedding their code into left nav column but pulling the image from 3rd party site slowed down the page rendering. Have copied logo and javascript to try to stop overheads on loading page. It will still get the page layout from the 3rd party website but this will only be when the icon is pressed. 2.000.00

26 Wedadminservice and mot for fiat panda 8:45 -5pm
put all boxes and machines under Jan's desk onto desk because of water coming through wall .5
 jazz jfurther investigation re Servage emails bouncing for - looks like servage filters are refusing blacklisted accounts - 3 tickets 0.001.00
 tabletcopyright icon - Ian has changed the info so re picked up new javascript. emails between who has seen that we are bypassing pulling in info from their site until clicked upon. .45

changes to Tablet:
remove radio talking show button from left nav
remove olympics
change format single column speeches on homepage no line space plus extra line space before features
calender to change to events diary on nav and events on url
add date to tablet readings and order logic in SZdetail s-functions
multi media remove bold live link 3.25
 subsinquirer splits - look at the labels module swap back to css from pdf 0.500.00

27 ThuintranetHorses Mouth October issue. remade pdf as one sent out is a repeat of 3 however Rogers signature doesn't have a transparent background 0.500.00
 tabletGosia requested the home page features free article to be placed lower down the features articles. I have removed the sort order of free first followed by the largest hometext size and reduced the number of words .5
studentzone not showing pictures is because Gosia has added images to ethics-religious not ethics-religious-intro. .5

 TrainingInvestigating jquery sites to get some inspiration for welling united youth pilot website.
Want to use cube for ads. Look at canterbury city and other football sites plus old welling ones

good designs by for screen layouts

28 Frisubsjhs ip address0.250.00
 Training2 different screen layouts for welling: one based on kyl and the other on and 0.004.00
 wuy2 layouts to be created for discussion purposes 1.500.00
Goto Admin