Websites Calendar 2016

Job Times


October 2016

1 Satadmintbc
create and send invoices for September. Send out to Ken the 2014/5 invoice
 kylput october images on homepage
make sure the shortened form works on production
Iain problem with scorers - no problem probably his input


2 Sunkylcheck out emailcron to send report at 5:30
add defaultplayers to function_scorers.

 adminrang anne

skype tony and hazel
little pool and pump/electrics house illegal
spoke to izzy re landlady renting out her flat

3 Monkyl add default club logic to functions_scorers and mform. 2.0

add technical area names as default too.
spoke to diane re both the short and the resultcard
need to change documentation to refer to defaults


4 Tueheadleyquery re headstore.
headway no longer works as pressero isn't responding
 kylPhotographer emailed with problems on loading images. Cannot see what is wrong .5

Worked on final bit of testing for scorers result cards. Please note the scorers when added to the result cards will update the fixtures tables. They are not populated on the result cards

Updated documentation and sent to Diane 4.0

Added cup page to rules; reformated and uploaded pdf, word and word2007 to rules. 1.5
 adminskype tony and hazel re problems
little pool and pump/electrics house illegal

5 Wedadminstretch and tone - cancelled

everest 6pm
 kylallow the results to bypass defaults
remove technical area 1.0
checkout problem with gallery 1.5

6 ThuadminFiona rang 9:10
little pool and pump/electrics house illegal
try to negotiate the removal of the road through the garden using offer to help to pay side road
Fiona checking out what planning changes are

A habitation certificate or living permission is a document verifying that the property is constructed in accordance with regulations and that the construction has been completed to meet building legislation.
The full completion of the tapu process is really only complete once you have received the certificate of habitation.

A habitation certificate shows that a property is suitable for use. It is not easy and sometimes not possible to obtain services such as water, sewage and electricity for a building without a habitation certificate. A habitation certificate allows you to obtain electricity and water in your own name and once registered you will be charged domestic rates, (as opposed to builders rates, which is more expensive)

To obtain your habitation certificate (or living permission) please visit your local Belediye and provide them with your tapu. They will need to see this documentation in order to issue a habitation certificate , (you may also need to provide your passport and tax number)
There may be a charge of 5 TL for this service.

(the left hand box on your tapu (Kay M�lkiyeti) should be crossed to prove the property has a habitation certificate)
Please note: Earthquake Insurance is invalid without living permission.
h ttp:// -habitation-certificate-and-where-do-i-obtain-one

a villa on a complex you cannot do an "individual Hab Cert" it has to be all thats on the project. Of course the builders are dodging it, its a debt and that debt is linked to the property

 kylcheckout problem with gallery
fecho - good for testing bottlenecks 1.0
changed gallery database from using right to a left join plus updated db to use season_id for loading the galleries in the cms. This reduces the load time.
Corrected errors where images not present and forced directory behaviour to be done on the directory and passed back to calling program to bypass permission problems on the mini-upload-form. 4.0

amazon keeps on bombarding kyl

# put in logic to stop xmlrpc.php attempts a wordpress to remotely publish posts via email

order allow,deny
deny from all

Hopefully this denial by the server will prevent further attacks

7 Friadminspinning0.000.00
 Trainingfunction fecho($string) {
echo $string;
ob_fl ush();

INSTRUCTIONS for flushing and good for checking out bottlenecks
 kylUpdated live from training. Mini upload form works on the latest IE but not old versions
Chrome and firefox fine 2.0

block the results from being updated on the matchcards .25

8 Satadmintbc0.000.00

9 Sunadminbought mattress and protector for lids; 2 cream bar stools; 2 uplighters 0.000.00
 kylcreated a generic change of password with icon
Problem with outlook opening a link in an email without clicking on it. This is probably causing a number of problems with people getting the incorrect message.

10 Monkylon training the new password app
/public_html/rese tpwd


11 Tueadminbar stools should arrive today - cancelled0.000.00
 kylstill checking the resultcards0.003.00

12 Wedadminstretch and tone
bed should arrive today - yes
 kylshirt nos not being inputted so record not saved0.003.00

13 Thuadminwindow survey0.000.00
 kylproblem on resultcard_detail. When one handbook changed their games the other one was deleted at the same time. Changed this. The scorers were already added and were not deleted. 0.004.00

14 Friadminrugby club
uplighters should arrive today - arrived wednesday
cancelled spin
 pastoraladd latest tpr speadsheet0.500.00

15 Satadmintbc not booked ring on waiting list

The screw (pn 9) M8 x 25mm screw does not go into the footboard(pn2) in the lower position. Probably maximum 3 turns as with image defect1.jpg. I have shown it here by itself to prove it is a problem with the thread in the inside of the hole. Both lower ones are failures. Both the higher ones are fine. The assembly of the side rail to the headboard is fine too and the screws go in with no problems. This is step 1. I have not checked further as without a stable base the bed is non functional.

Very disappointing that Laura Ashley who have upto now had really good quality products has sent this. I am in Turkey as of tomorrow (Sunday) for 10 days but need this sorted very quickly. I have dismantled the bit I had done but do not have time to put it all back into its packaging. The order had a delivery date of 21st October please let me know whether you will be fulfilling this order with a functional bed. Thanks

16 Sunadminholiday travel easyjet to dalaman 3:05
need satnav
NEW EMAIL ACCOUNTS bracken1 h!3dl5y12

17 Monadminabs
myra and les leave turkey today

18 Tueadminholiday

T & H cooked meal
 kylfunction_scorers problem on round ROUND and needed to be substring; results.php on html
teams is fine
cups scorers now displaying

19 Wedadminstretch and tone

ukish bath and massage

20 Thuadminholiday0.000.00
 kylcup matches add to online application0.004.00
 jazz j 0.000.00

21 Friadminspinning
memhet boat trip 70tl gave 100tl

22 Satadmintbc
public _html

/settingfix.php=>2016-10-11 09:37:48
/php includes/banner.php=>2016-10-07 11:32:55
/phpinclu des/functions_rc.php=>2016-10-07 02:01:02

/phpin cludes/functions_scorers.php=>2016-10-19 08:47:19
/scorer/mform.php=>2016-10-07 12:27:21
/validate_p wd.php=>2016-10-09 12:46:44
/css/kyl.css=>2016-10-07 11:06:22
/validate_pwdGen.php=>2016-10-10 10:10:10

/cms/removetournament.php=>2016-10-16 01:13:15

/SearchWord.php=>2016-10-07 01:54:13
/resetpwd/bo dy_topStr.php=>2016-10-08 11:47:34
/resetpwd/navba rStr.php=>2016-10-10 11:14:36
/resetpwd/datetest.php=>2016-10-03 08:36:45
/resetpwd/resetpwd.php=>2016-10-10 11:13: 10
/resetpwd/resetpwform.php=>2016-10-09 12:33:11

/.htaccess=>2016-10-09 12:29:11
***************** **********************
*************************** *********

/home/sites/ ic_html
/setting.php=>2016-10-11 01:33:06
/result s.php=>2016-10-18 10:21:01
/phpincludes/functions_ rc.php=>2016-10-14 02:52:28
/phpincludes/functions _scorers.php=>2016-10-18 10:41:22
/phpincludes/fun ctions_match.php=>2016-10-02 12:56:23

/phpinclud es/html_header.php=>2016-10-02 10:58:22

/scorer/ mform.php=>2016-10-14 02:54:52
/scorer/datetest.php=>2016-10-03 08:36:45
/emailrc.php=>2016-10-17 11:22:26
/setti ngnew.php=>2016-10-11 01:28:40

/resetpwd/body_to pStr.php=>2016-10-08 09:13:44
/resetpwd/navbarStr. php=>2016-10-08 09:15:11
/resetpwd/datetest.php=>2016-10-03 08:36:45
/resetpwd/resetpwd.php=>2016-10-08 09:09: 31
/resetpwd/resetpwform.php=>2016-10-08 03:59:02
/.htaccess=>2016-10-07 01:29:54

23 Sunadminholiday0.000.00
 kylproblem on reading txt file so generated about 200 emails to ken - oops 0.001.00

24 Monadminabs
 kylmoved over to live changes done for cups:
emailrc; results; functions_scorers;functions_match; and mform
 klshow to do accounts - receipts by month0.250.00

25 Tueadminholiday return 9pm
management meeting today in Dalyan

26 Wedadminstretch and tone0.000.00
 CruiseFerryadd Saltex and October e-magazines to side panel and menu 0.000.75
 kylchange Marian from assistant ref sec to ref sec0.000.25

27 Thukylproblem with Sittingbourne/Tunbridge Wells for 16th October u18 fit to kit game was because Tunbridge Wells was moved from u18pdn to u18pds division and for some odd reason although the cup and league constitution I had amended there was one fixture which refered to the north constitution

This has caused the problem on cms for editing cups. I have added debugging in functions_commonp2.php and editresults.php so they are now updated.

david.brown Sittingbourne S03; scott.bartlett paddock2 T03 TW

Erith and Belvadere raj.kalia E03 7Ethelbrooks
transfer omar belaznegue from E and B to greenwich

annette.payne G24 english

added november home gallery .25 and resized 2 groups

28 Friadminspinning0.000.00
 kylupdating players_nomatch report to show discrepancies between scorers and players table as well as fixtures. Currently it is just showing those players who were not registered. 0.004.00

29 Satadmintbc
jo with millar at gym. spoke to gary and going to fitball on Friday

martha from switzerland going to send some serum 82.00 from switzerland for my neck and face
 kyltransferred a cup game from Ramsgate to Ramsgate youth 0.250.00

30 Sunkylplayers_nomatch.php on cms
This will try to get the results and scorer tables in line plus fixtures.

if a team is expunged the associate scorers go as well. However the players-nomatch program will move scorers to scorers_expunged if they have for some reason been left trailing.

There is a problem with own goal. Not sure how this works.

 pastoraldownloaded the index page of pastoral review0.250.00

31 Monadminabs
Laura Ashley 9am and 11am the bolt/screw is non standard size so have ordered another bed end urgent asap.
 kylcatja.morris ruschmorris1976

greenwich annette.payne G24 english
langton green david.brown Aleisha29
kara.tanega CharltonParkLane8QS
donna.wealands united.ashford

Checked out a rejected email and it is an incorrect email to Colin Boswell .25

the returned one for meridian can't see a problem need the message returned .25

spoke to Diane and looks like scorers is working a bit better
 jazz jchecking out why google bot for news is no longer w orking.

setup webmaster again for google
looking at creating an automated sitemap.xml
and other areas as to what is going wrong 3.0

added november issue to shop and back issue .5
 klsemail re agents
Roger sent spreadsheet with the contact person at the firms to act as agent. He wants them to be sent renewal as an agent and the individual subscriber to receive one as well. Will alter the software to accomodate
Goto Admin