Websites Calendar 2016

Job Times


November 2016

1 Tueadmin6pm dentist appointment0.000.00
 pastoralUpdated front page for November .75
clean up of menu .25
update sub db .25
 kyl2 queries re resultcard. Player entered twice for scores. Only displays on the result page with one. Should not put in duplicate players
the other query: wrong info and both have not filled in ref mark - Sittingbourne Folkestone; david brown and catja
 klsSpoke to Roger re sub agent process0.250.00
 jazz jsitemap for jazzjournal

working on google visiab ility tive-list-reasons-google-isnt-indexing-site/118245/
why it may not be indexed. m/webmasters/answer/183668?hl=en&ref_topic=4581190# addsitemap

setup 2 sitemaps sitemap.xml for the whole site and sitemap9.xml for the news element

2 Wedadminstretch and tone

sent out October invoices
 kylcms/emailrc.php report for result cards
1. duplicate scorers/players on resultcard_details
These appear to be just players added twice on the card sometimes with a different shirt number
The app does not delete these reports on them so manually delete them. Problem of deleting a player through the app means that future players after one deleted are removed too. NEEDS A FIX

wayne.simon M4RMYL67
john.bathurst Herne.Ba y.16#

scorer missing on resultcard a set of Maidstone M01 on u13c, u15s and u16cc. App has inserted them correctly. Not sure why these are on the scorers card but not the result card. Could be that James.Reed has updated the scorers by cms

Discrepancies between fixtures and resultcards
update the resultcards with the fixture refmarks and the scores. This will happen as scores are only added through the cms. The refmarks are only updated if the fixture shows a difference to the RCard. yers_nomatch.php
own goal logic wrong NEED TO UPDATE
 CruiseFerryadd ad for gas and water pipelines. Have added it to the cnews top right banner. Unfortunately not part of simple ad manager so no stats. Have also added it on single article pages so hopefully this will record some activity. Otherwise get the stats for the masthead for no. of hits 0.500.00

3 ThuTrainingwp super cache: site speed for SEO cache website generates static html files

contact form 7

lead magnets
wordfence security
yoast seo

 kylBill would like a verication field on player registration for next season

 adminLaura Ashley rang to say the replacement will be in 2 weeks. They will then get someone to pick up the footend. 0.000.00

4 Friadminspin - cancelled going out with Clare,linda,carol and debbie to Cafe Soleil

10am fitball with gary

haircut cassie 12pm

5 Satadmintbc

Tom and Charlotte

7 Monadminabs0.000.00

8 Tuekls$query=utf8_decode($query);
This gets around the currency problem on servage
Not sure if this is necessary for HI 2.0
 adminLaura Ashley the bed end arrived no warning0.000.00

9 Wedadminstretch and tone0.000.00
 kylrequest for county cup scorers not to be added to t ables.
Altered tournaments table tournament_replayfinal is now tournament_nonleaguecup

Add this variable in resultcard generation
 jazz jProblem on shop not displaying item as paid. looks like it was a quote issue in name D'Arcy

10 ThuadminLaura Ashley pickup bed end return0.000.00
 klswork on modules for agents
admin agents
load module for populating agency to agents and linking of Lsubs to agents

11 Friadminspin

Sangeeta (Listening)
Sangeeta: Hi, welcome to npower, my name is Sangeeta. How can I help you today?
Customer: I am trying to register and it is not accepting my account number 193584026
Sangeeta: Good morning. I will check this for you.
Sangeeta: Can I take your full name and the npower account number please?
Customer: I have just paid a bill with this reference on my bank account.. The reason I was trying to register is because my name is spelt incorrectly on the bill. My full name is Miss Jennifer Prentice but on the bill it says Miss Jennifer Pantice and the npower account is 193584026
Sangeeta: I will update this for you today.
Sangeeta: Are you the named account holder?
Sangeeta: The online registration is not successfull as the surname is not matching as you have advised.
Customer: Well my partner set up the account - his name is James Challis but I pay the bills
Customer: so do I register as James Challis
Sangeeta: I will check the details.
Sangeeta: Before I access your account I need to take you through a set of security questions. Please can you confirm the e-mail address and the Telephone number associated with the npower account?
Customer: The property is 16b Lee Terrace, London, SE3 9TZ. I am a joint owner of it and am a landlord
Customer: well i suppose the email address is and the telephone number if landline is 01227 730 007
Sangeeta: I am sorry you have incorrectly answered the security questions, I am only able to answer any general queries you may have. I can not give you any account specific information. I wish I could help you with all the details and information but I am afraid it will be a breach of security. I understand your situation but I am trying to help you with the honest way by which we can keep your account information secure and provide solution and support.Our customer service number is 0800 073 3000 or 0330 100 3000
Lines are open Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 6pm.
Calling us on a 0800 number should be free from all mobiles and generally free from all landlines. Calling us on a 0330 number will cost you no more than 01 or 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles. If you get �inclusive minutes� with your package, calls to a 0330 number will be part of these. Please check the details and get back to us by initiating a fresh chat or call the customer service team for further account information. "
Sangeeta: I will request you to kindly check the correct details and get back to us on a fresh chat.

set up online registration with npower jennymar... password bra..1
 klswork on modules for agents
general testing on updating

12 Satadmintbc0.000.00
 jazz jgone to google news webmaster tools and entered www which appears to be the default.Created the 2 new xml sitemaps and manually tested submiting them and googlenews was then updated 0.500.00

14 Monadminabs0.000.00
 jazz jsitemap added logic to only create pages on sitemap which are to be displayed.

problem with & so have converted to and
thought there was a problem with diacritics but they seem to be okay just look wierd on the xml
 klswork on modules for agents
server.php and client.php for the agents interaction on the email portal
 kylload 2nd lot of images for half month home page0.000.00

15 TueklsI have changed the logic for agents so they act only as a link to each subscriber. If they pay for 20 subs each sub has its own transaction and is only identified as paid by the agent if the agency field is filled in the transaction.

Re tested all the modules and started copying over to live
 jazz j
SPF query tool. The spf record for jazz journal is fine

h ttp://

not on blackli st blocks emails for many reasons. A number of my clients have btinternet emails and where google mail is very good at figuring out spam btinternet is not. I have checked blacklists and this ip is not on it plus there is a valid SPF record setup for jazzjournal

v=spf1 mx ip4: ip4 : +all

One of the biggest problems is if there is any content in the email with either javascript or word formating btinternet sees it as spam and will penalise the sender whereas google mail just strips it out - a much better re-action so the mail gets through. I know it is talking about bulk mail but this may be just a red herring. The postmaster hasn't returned the actual content of the email which is unusual - normally this would be as an attachment. BTinternet take ages to respond to a complaint of a postmaster returned email. It took almost 3 months of correspondence between myself and Btinternet to get them to release a number of the clients emails. In this particular case it was because the client was sending emails with microsoft word format garbage in the content. It is very easy to if you cut and paste - the resolution for this was that all copied info had to be cut and pasted into notebook and formatted using the email client. Another problem arose for a different client because btinternet doesn't like the recipient to be an alias forwarding address ie the website domain for an officer being used which has a hard forwarding onto a btinternet email; it will only accept a direct email to the btinternet a ccount

Maybe you could tell me what the content was like. Was it an attachment or an embedded image for example?

16 Wedadminstretch and tone

spoke to Frances
 jazz jemail to
set up email je so that I can test records being rejected from btinternet when from servage.
Created ticket for servage as well to see if this problem can be resolved asap.
Told Mark to send btinternet clients emails from his personal email for the moment
 klsloaded the agents
tested on the live area 2.0
work on the nusoap 1.0

17 Thujazz jlooks like the spf record is not accepted by The no longer support +all so the record has been changed to -all

Yippee it has worked. The emails are now going through - not sure if it was the spf record or btinternet unblocking jazzjournal.

 klswork on servernew.php to accomodate agents list
work on client.php on portal2 re query.
Decided that servernew.php will create 3 lists: subs; rates; and agents. Tried to amalgamate agents with subs but had problem here. Decided the client can work with the separate data and merge together to create table 3.0

18 Friadminspin
sent email to windmail about renewing and what about hosting
 klsspoke to Roger re agents .5
He has sent sample emails for agent and sub
Worked on client.php to create table 3.0

problem on agents list 509.php not browser friendly as using divs rather than table. Changed to tables and generalised code 2.0

19 Satadmintbc

madama butterfly - brilliant 7:15 marlowe 22.70


20 Sunklsneed to create a tag in the portal for tables
[table] to embed a table of agents subscriptions. May need to change code to accept Trainees for completeness.

21 Monadminabs

SERVAGE headley hosting 85.00
invoice headley 1033. Spoke to Will - he wants the headley site to remain and servage almailing but not myheadley. Check payment is made tomorrow.

Resent all unpaid invoices about 200.00

Do Jamies invoices for the Annexe, bills for silk cottage and lee terrace
 klsspoke to Roger re agent renewal .25
cleanup of problems on renewal date - data prep 2.0
cleanup on orgs 1.0
pg5103.php delete organisation corrected 1.0



amendments to client.php to allow trainees and students to go onto table. Alter the header on the table.
 headleylog onto for headley newsletter
headle ys

Password: H1e2a3d4/

ac tion="
subscri be/post

the account now has 360 emails for newsletters but no campaigns have been setup.

 kylremove some backend users and add Chris Myatt0.000.25
 windmailanother email to Ian re db being on xcalibre rather than HI 0.000.25

23 Wedadminstretch and tone0.000.00
 CruiseFerryadd november/december issue
removed saltex issue

requested payment of invoices
 klscomplete retest of email portal. Work on agents table. All now on the live site.
Spoke to Roger to ask for more time for testing as the emailProd wasn't working correctly.

24 Thukls check data for renewal incorrect dates. change rep55 renewal individuals to give same results.

Checked emailTest and emailProd
used button link to give better look

individual renewals have gone out.
 CruiseFerryresent invoices0.000.00

25 Friadminspin0.000.00

file :///C:/Users/jenny/Downloads/
startbootstrap-sb-ad min-2-master/pages/index.html#

SB Admin 2
https ://
Creating a Website with Bootstrap Studio (Tutorial)

https: // SB Admin TE/documentation/index.html#upgrade Admin LTE
http s://
Bootstrapper for Laravel

https ://

light bootstrap tim -
 klsproblem with add agent pg5092 and delete pg5093.

26 Satadmintbc0.000.00

27 Sunkyleditresults.php added ability to amend extra time and penalties. also amended functions_commonp2.php
manually changed an incorrect cup fixture where wrong one assign win.
if the result changes and it is a cup module need to check cups. look at score an for fixtures not played check correct game allocated.
 Trainingtutorials cms bootstrap0.002.00

28 Monadminabs
nuisance call 01383 779996 at 11:10
in error purchased and for 2 years so I can use these domains
 klscreate pg420.php module for individual agents renewals from 2.0

29 Tuekyleditresults module calling in functions_commonp2 - problem defaulting to draw. amended
loaded december home page images
 klsproblem with subs as a private area. Email created will not be able to check out on this server as it is password protected. Created pg220 iframe to display agentrenletter template ; content is within agentcontentHtml 0.003.00

30 Wedadminstretch and tone0.000.00
 kylamended the emailrc on html to send to ken and diane and exclude county cups

email jump back for diane problem with jim reeds aol account

added one more picture for dec home page
 klsproblem on passing details as to whether email or not. Create a txt file which will be overwritten
temp AgentEmail.txt. This is then included for the outgoing email to be sent to agent.
 jazz jadd december issue to the shop and back issues0.250.00
Goto Admin