Websites Calendar 2018

Job Times


May 2018

1 Tueadmin10 tbc josh permitapplications 1.0

granny stuff 2.0
annexe/16b james and lydia 3.0

 pastoraladded the latest issue.
still got problems with login for more on one of the formats. Need to fix this 3.0

2 WedadminTurkey fly out 15:20 gatwick arrive 9:30
annexe/16b christine agree 24 may as leaving date

work invoices 1.0

3 ThuadminStart booking classes for return from holiday

ht tps://

see salih pay for my transfer and boat trip on sunday 5 islands
bought fish and went to migros
to rent will need to add exit signs; fire extinguishers no fire doors as not 10 rooms

4 Friadmin -to-remove-malware-from-your-windows-pc.html

work jj
 jazz j5 hours of faffing about re email problems too big
and compliance

5 Satadminmarket now down past migros
swam in little pool

6 Sunadminboat trip thunder rain - cancelled. bought some paint metal and house white for skylight and downstairs. Ants still a problem. cleaned up around villa grass and plants. cleaned down the path on the road halfway gully. Spoke to Steve of Steve and Pam. water still on at end one Fionas and there is a water pipe leak.

re configured computer back to setup as it collapsed. loaded norton and firefox

7 Monadminlids arrive 9pm at Dalaman so about 10pm at Rosanna
flight thomas cook MT504 stansted 3pm
need to buy tonic water, lemonade, aa batteries

loaded filezilla for vista old version and setup servage jprent and headleyweb
created tab for quick access#

9 Wedkylsend emails cronjob not working
gallery needs cleaning
 jazz jmark request to sarah to add norton0.000.00

10 Thuadmintoday or tomorrow myra and les out to dalyan easy jet 280 pounds only handluggage 0.000.00

11 Friadminpaid lids 2400.00 for lee terrace
paid lee terrors 410.00 carpets and 1350.00 half year service charges

12 Satadminleave Dalaman 0: 45am MT505
arrive 2:55am Stansted

13 Sunklschange to booking form0.000.25

15 TueadminHooray! Thanks for staying with us

Yes, I'm happy to receive emails to about the causes I love as well as the latest news on fundraising.

Say you still want to hear from us
(hit the purple button below)
Jenny, it’s been an amazing journey so far, let’s not stop now!

Thanks to incredible people like you, over $5 billion has been donated through JustGiving so far, to more than 180,000 brilliant causes.

But, new laws mean that from May 25 you’ll no longer hear from us about the causes you love or new ways you can fundraise.

We want to keep in touch. Update your preferences so we can keep sending you all the good stuff.
(You won’t be inundated, it’ll just be the occasional email about causes you love)

P.S. Into the small print? Then note that our Privacy Policy has changed. Please take time to familiarise yourself, as your use of the JustGiving platform will be subject to the new Privacy Policy

Log in | Sign up Menu

Hello! We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on JustGiving. You can read more here.

Privacy Policy v2.0

Privacy Policy

JustGiving is committed to respecting your privacy when we use your personal data. We use your data as described below to allow you to use JustGiving, enhance your experience using our platform, maximise your giving network and ensure that no good cause goes unfunded (and of course comply with applicable data protection laws!).

I. Who Are We?
II. How to Reach Our Data Protection Officer?
III. How Do We Notify You of Changes to this Policy?
IV. What Are Your Rights?
V. What Data Do We Collect?
VI. What Happens If You Don’t Want Us to Have Your Data?
VII. How Do We Use Your Data?
VIII. On What Legal Bases Do We Process Your Data?
IX. How Are We Using Your Data Based on Our Legitimate Interests?
X. Are We Doing Any Automatic Decision Making?
XI. With Whom Are We Sharing Your Data?
XII. How Do Charity Partners Use My Data?
XIII. Where Are We Sending Your Data?
XIV. How Do We Use Personal Data of Our Partner Users?
XV. How Long Do We Keep Your Data?
Who Are We?

JustGiving in the UK/EU is a service provided by Limited, an entity established under the laws of England and Wales. You can contact JustGiving via or by writing to JustGiving, 2nd Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0TA, United Kingdom. This Policy applies to our collection and use of your data in connection with our services, like and JustTextGiving by Vodafone (the “Services”).
How to Reach Our Data Protection Officer?

To contact JustGiving’s Data Protection Officer regarding our processing of your personal data, email privacy@jus
How Do We Notify You of Changes to this Policy?

We keep this Policy under regular review and place updates on We will also provide notifications of material changes via email or other channels. If you keep using the Services after we notify you, you consent to the updated Privacy Policy. If not, you may cancel your account.
What Are Your Ri ghts?

JustGiving recognises that your personal data belongs to you and we don’t wish to use it in ways that you don’t want us to.

You can control whether or not you receive marketing email from JustGiving by visiting the Notifications Centre in your Account.

You can also exercise a variety of rights regarding our use of your data:

· You can ask us for a copy of the information we have about you

· You can ask us to correct any incorrect data we have about you and you can also update your account details yourself at any time by visiting your JustGiving account

· You can ask us to delete your data

· You can ask for your data in a common, machine-readable format

· You can object to any processing we do on the basis of legitimate interests or to any automated decision-making

· You can ask us to restrict the processing of your data

To exercise any of the foregoing rights, click here. Note that some of these rights may not be enforceable until 25 May 2018 and some aren’t absolute—for example, we may not be able to forget you if we have to keep some of your data to comply with the law—but we’ll evaluate your request in accordance with applicable data protection laws. JustGiving will respond to your request within one month of receiving it. Also, note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office or the supervisory authority in your country of residence or place of work.
What Data Do We Collect?

We don’t receive any personal data about you other than what you provide us, either by creating an account, using the Services, from Facebook when you agree to connect your Facebook account to JustGiving, or data we can infer from your use of the Services.

When you create a JustGiving account: We will collect basic contact information about you to set up your account you so you can make donations or raise funds. This will include your name, address and email address. We will also ask you to register a username and password so you can gain secure access to your account in the future.

Alternatively, you may authorise us to collect your basic personal details from a secure online source (e.g. Google, Facebook, PayPal or a sponsor charity) to which you have already provided this information.

When you sign in to JustGiving using your Facebook account: If you choose to login via Facebook, we will obtain access to your Facebook public profile information and email address. We will use this information to allow you to login and populate our records about you. If you give us permission (via Facebook’s preference settings), we may also obtain access to your friend list but we only receive the names of your friends who are also JustGiving users. We will only use this to see if people on your friends list are also using our website and as set out in How we use personal information below. You can control whether or not Facebook shares this data with us, either by changing your preferences when you first login to JustGiving with your Facebook account or by visiting the app setting controls on Facebook’s platform.

When you make a donation: To enable us to process donations, we will collect basic payment information as well as your name, home address and email address. Your name and the amount you've donated will display on the public page, unless you choose to donate anonymously. As well as making your donation anonymous, you can also change the display name to something else, such as a nickname or your initials.

When you create a Fundraising or Crowdfunding Page: We will use the details you provided when you set up your account to create your Fundraising Page or JustGiving Crowdfunding Page. We will also collect details of the charity or not-for-profit that you are supporting, or the details for your proposed Crowdfunding Page. Where applicable, we will ask you to provide details of how and when you are intending to fundraise and/or the occasion you are recognising by carrying out the fundraising.

Where you create a Crowdfunding Page, we will also collect your title (if you choose to provide it), date of birth, telephone number and personal bank account details.

When you give us information about others: You may decide to provide us with information about others (or authorise us to collect this information on your behalf from your social networks or your email contacts list) for example:

· so we can help you tell your friends and family about a Crowdfunding Page you are running or charity fundraising you are carrying out; or

· if you start fundraising or crowdfunding for, or in the memory or in celebration of, another person

You must ensure that they have agreed to you providing us with their information. Where required by local laws, we would advise you to keep a record of their agreement and provide them with a copy of, or link to, this Policy. This is especially the case if you provide us with sensitive information about them (e.g. a reference to an illness or health condition).

You should also only contact individuals using the Services who you know would be happy to hear from you and must not use our Services to send unsolicited 'spam' messages.

If you create a Crowdfunding Page for a club, organisation, body or association which is managed by someone other than yourself, you must ensure that the manager(s) of that club, organisation etc. agrees to your fundraising (e.g. you are a member of a sports club and want to raise funds for a new clubhouse - you must seek the agreement of the sports club committee).

When you use the Services: We also collect information about your use of our Services, including your IP address, mobile device identifier, how much time you spend on the site, and what you do, like or view. We do this through the use of cookies. To read more about our use of cookies, please refer to our separate Cookies page.
What Happens If You Don’t Want Us to Have Your Data?

You are not required to provide personal data to us. Note, however, that your failure to do so may affect our ability to provide the Services you request. For example, we are unable to process your donation to a fundraiser if you do not provide your payment information.
How Do We Use Your Data?

JustGiving uses your personal data to provide the services you request, to personalise your JustGiving experience, to send you communications and to enhance your ability to raise funds for the causes you care about. We also use your data to help us make JustGiving better and to advertise to you.

Services Requested: We use your information to provide our Services to you:

using your account data to enable you to take advantage of our platform’s features, like setting up a Fundraising or Crowdfunding Page
processing donations and claiming Gift Aid, if applicable
where you set up a Crowdfunding Page, to carry out bank account verification and identity checking, including with a credit reference agency

Personalising your JustGiving: We want to enhance your experience with JustGiving by tailoring the site to your interests:

When you “like” a cause or type of cause, we use that information to suggest causes you may be interested in and show them to you on the home Feed
In your Feed, we’ll also show you actions taken by people in your giving network—Facebook friends (if you’ve linked your account to JustGiving) who are also JustGiving users and people to whose Fundraising/Crowdfunding Pages you have donated
In your Feed and elsewhere in the Services, we’ll show you causes related to causes you have fundraised for or donated to in the past

Communications: We use your information to send you some different types of emails and you can stop receiving them as set forth below:

Types of Emails

How Can You Stop Getting Them?

Related to pages you create or donations you make to keep you apprised of what’s happening on your page (or the page to which you donated) and to help you fundraise for that specific page, like donation notifications, target reach, fundraising tips and contests for active fundraisers to help you raise more for your cause

You can opt out here

Notifying all our users of important alerts related to the platform, like outages or security issues

You can opt out here

Containing marketing messages about other ways to give and fundraise, like news and competitions related to charities and Crowdfunding Pages, page activity in your giving network, developments in our Services, information about our affiliates’ products for social good and surveys

We only send these with your consent. To stop receiving them, click unsubscribe on any email (which takes you to your Notifications Centre) or visit the Notifications Centre directly

Triggered by actions you take using the Services, like page creation and cancellation notification emails

You can’t opt out of these, but you won’t receive any unless you take an action on JustGiving. To stop receiving these emails, just don’t take any actions on the platform.

Containing communications we’re required to provide you by law, like donation receipts, Gift Aid information or notices about data breaches

We have to send these emails as required by law, as long as you have a JustGiving account. To stop receiving these emails, please contact us to delete your account.

Enhancing Your Ability to Raise Funds: We offer you a variety of ways to enhance your fundraising/crowdfunding abilities, such as:

allowing you to share others’ pages or your donation to a page with your connections by email, to other JustGiving users or through your social networks, like Facebook or Twitter
when you create or update a page, allowing you to share that news with your giving network by email, to other JustGiving users or through your social networks

Making JustGiving Better: We use aggregated and personal data about you and your use of our Services to develop and test better fundraising tools, to drive our research and development and to better understand our users and charity partners. JustGiving does this analysis using a variety of data sources transactional data (how you use the Services), click stream and log data (web traffic and Services usage), email data (how you respond to emails we send you), survey data, customer service data and data you agree to share with us from your Facebook account. We may send you surveys about the Services, but you can opt out of receiving these and participation is completely voluntary.

Advertising: Aside from sending marketing communications by email, we may target ads to our users and measure how they perform, both through our Services, such as on, and through other channels like social networking sites and other websites.
On What Legal Bases Do We Process Your Data?

We process your personal data on a variety of legal bases depending on the use. For example, we will only process your personal data to send you direct marketing if we have your consent and you can withdraw this consent at any time by visiting the Notifications Centre and opting out of receiving such emails. Sometimes it is necessary to process your data for us to comply with our legal obligations, like when we send Gift Aid information to HMRC. Please see our separate page on Legal Bases for more information.
How Are We Using Your Data Based on Our Legitimate Interests?

We may process your personal data for the purposes of our legitimate interests, provided that these uses aren’t outweighed by your rights or interests. For any uses we justify on the basis of legitimate interest, you have the right to opt out of such processing here. To learn more about our use of data for our legitimate interests, please see our separate page.
Are We Doing Any Automated Decision Making?

To help our users fundraise more effectively, we employ machine learning and other analytics that make inferences about some characteristics of our users. We use these tools to tailor emails to you, to show and prioritise causes, fundraisers, pages, and users on your Feed we think you’ll be interested in, and make suggestions about how much you may want to fundraise or donate. You can opt out of these processes at any time here. To learn more about the automatic decision-making we do, please see our separate page.
With Whom Are We Sharing Your Data?

We may disclose your data to our affiliated organisations and subsidiaries, and to service providers who render services to us or you on our behalf (all of which are contractually obligated to act only on our instructions and in accordance with applicable laws, including GDPR). We also may disclose your information if required by law, requested by law enforcement authorities or to enforce our legal rights, such as pursuant to a subpoena or to HMRC when you claim Gift Aid. We may share your information in connection with a sale or reorganisation of JustGiving, but in any such case, the terms of this Policy will continue to apply.

Our service providers include:

· banks and payment providers - to authorise and complete payment transactions;

· in relation to creators of Crowdfunding Pages, third party identity checking or credit reference agencies - for the purposes of identity checking and bank account verification;

· organisations within the payment card industry - to help prevent online fraud;

· IT, information security and cloud services providers – to help us provide the Services and keep your data safe;

· communication providers – to assist us with the processing and delivery of email and other communications;

· behavioral analytics tools, like Kissmetrics – to collect and help us understand data when you use our Services, described in the How Do We Use Data? Section.

We also share your personal data with fundraisers, Crowdfunding Page creators, charities and event partners and companies as follows:

Fundraisers and Crowdfunding Page Creators: If you donate to a Fundraising or Crowdfunding Page, we let the page creator know your identity, email address and amount of your donation.

Charities: We share with charities and not-for-profits who are registered with us details about donations made to them, including your personal data, unless you choose to donate anonymously. Charities and not-for-profits who are registered with JustGiving also have access to data about Fundraising Pages created by our users (including personal data of page creators) so they can understand who is fundraising for their benefit. For more information, please see the section “How Do Charity Partners Use My Data?” below.

Event Partners and Companies: We sometimes share data about Fundraising Pages with third parties that host or sponsor events so they can understand who is fundraising for their events and how well fundraising efforts are progressing or performed.

The data we share with these event partners and companies includes fundraiser name, the name and creation date of your page, your fundraising target, how much you have raised and the number of donors to your page. If an event benefits multiple charities and you choose to fundraise for a particular charity, event partners and companies will also receive the name of the charity for which you’re fundraising. This data is already publicly available on Fundraising Pages. Event partners and companies don’t receive personal data about donors.
How Do Charity Partners Use My Data?

As stated above, unless you elect to be anonymous to charities to which you donate or on whose behalf you fundraise, we will share your personal data with those charities. When we pass your information to charities, they also become a controller with respect to such personal data. This means that they’re responsible for their own compliance with data protection laws when they use your personal data, and all such use is subject to the charity’s own privacy notice. When charities receive your details, they are required to send you their privacy notice. JustGiving is not responsible for charities’ use of your personal data or the charities’ compliance with applicable laws.

When you donate to or create a Fundraising Page, JustGiving will ask whether or not you consent to receiving email from the charity about the impact of your donation and other ways to support them including future events, campaigns and appeals. If you opt in to receiving such emails, we will pass your consent preference on to the charity, if it is subscribed to receive such reporting from us. Note that the charity will need to receive your personal data to send you emails you consent to receive.

If you want to change your preferences for a charity to use your data (to contact you or otherwise), please contact the charity directly.

If the charity you’re interacting with hasn’t subscribed to receive charity reporting from JustGiving, that charity won’t have access to details about your consent preferences. This means that they won’t know if you have opted in or out of receiving email fundraising appeals.

Note that charities receive information about supporters from lots of different sources. We’re not the system of record for our charity partners, so we can only collect and evidence your consent to receive email fundraising appeals from our charity partners as you elect on our platform. We cannot reflect any changes in your consent preferences that you make directly with the charity. For example, if you opt in to receive emails from a charity when you make a donation through JustGiving, but then you subsequently opt out by telling the charity, JustGiving won’t have a record that you opted out of receiving email from that charity.
Where Are We Sending Your Data?

JustGiving stores users’ personal data inside the European Union. Some of our service providers and affiliated organisations may lie outside the EU. Therefore, sometimes we may transfer your data outside the EU. If we do, we ensure your data is processed only in countries that provide an adequate level of protection for your data or where the recipient provides appropriate safeguards, such as model contract clauses, binding corporate rules, or mechanisms like the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework. For a copy of such safeguards, please contact us.
How Do We Use Personal Data of Our Partner Users?

If you work for a charity or company that has a business relationship with JustGiving, we use your data in slightly different ways than for individual users of the Services.

We collect a business user’s name, work email address, office number and fax number. We use this data to enable you to sign into your business’ account and to access charity reporting. In addition, we may use your data to perform business services you request. Finally, we will send you the following email communications: operational emails, customer service emails and business marketing emails. When you log into your Notifications Centre, you can opt out of receiving emails from us, other than service emails related to your requests.
How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

We keep your personal data in an identifiable form for as long as we have a legitimate reason to use the data and as required by law. If you claim Gift Aid on a donation you make, we are required by HMRC to keep data related to your donation for six years after the tax year in which the donation was made.

Date and number of this version: 6 April 2018, 2.0


Hello! We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on JustGiving. You can read more here.

JustGiving's Terms of Service

Our terms of service describe what JustGiving does for you and the charities and other good causes you support, and what we kindly request of you as a user in return.

We operate in a number of countries and these core terms of service apply in each. There are some country specific terms which also apply. Relevant country specific terms of service in Australia, United Kingdom or United States.

Additional terms that apply to JustGiving Crowdfunding.

Here are the key points:

Online Giving - we run and maintain a website that processes donations on behalf of the charities and other good causes featured on it. For this service, and the support we provide to them and their supporters, charities and other good causes pay us a transaction fee of up to 5% on the donation. Because we promptly pay donations to charities and other good causes, we regret that we can only refund a donation in exceptional circumstances, as described below.
Data Protection - Your privacy is paramount to us. Our Privacy Policy shows you how we protect it.
User Conduct - If you create a JustGiving page or use any of our other services, please remember JustGiving is for everyone. We’ll remove offensive, obscene or racist content on the rare occasions when we find it – and we may terminate membership as a result. Please also make sure that the content you upload to the site, especially pictures and videos, does not infringe another person’s copyright.

That’s it. If you want the full, extended version, here it is:

JustGiving is a trading name of the local JustGiving entity as identified in the country specific terms of service. JustGiving operates (the "Website") and its associated services. These core terms of service (and the relevant country specific terms) (together the "Terms of Service") govern your use of the Website and its associated services. Please read these Terms of Service carefully. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Service, you should not continue to use or access the Website or its associated services.

These Terms of Service may change or be updated from time to time. It remains your responsibility to access and check these Terms of Service wherever you access the Website. The latest version of these Terms of Service will govern any future usage by you of the Website and its associated services. The date on which these Terms of Service were last updated is stated at the end of this document.
About the charities, good causes and organisations featured on the Website

The Website and its associated services allows you to donate to, and raise funds for, any of the causes listed on the Website ("Causes") which could include charities, certain non-charitable good causes referred to on the Website as JustGiving Crowdfunding ("JustGiving Crowdfunding") and other listed organisations. Every Cause featured has a contractual agreement with JustGiving authorising JustGiving to collect donations on its behalf. Causes are listed on this Website at JustGiving's discretion, however we cannot accept responsibility for the activities of the Causes. A charity must have the appropriate authorisation, permit or licence to operate as a charity, as required by the local laws of the territory in which it operates. You should note that JustGiving Crowdfunding pages are not intended to raise money for charities, so you should read the description of them carefully and be happy that they are genuine and suitable to receive your donation. Different charities, terms used on JustGiving Crowdfunding pages and other organisations can have similar names: it is your responsibility to check that you are donating to the Cause you intend ed.

Subject to the requirements of applicable local laws, and what we say below in relation to JustGiving Crowdfunding, once your donation is made, it will only be refunded to you with the prior written consent of the Cause to whom it has been made, regardless of whether or not the donation had been paid to the Cause by JustGiving. You should therefore get in touch with the charity or other good cause first. Before a donation is refunded, the relevant Cause must agree that JustGiving may, subject to local applicable laws, deduct the amount to be refunded from subsequent payments to be made by JustGiving to the Cause. Where no further payments are due to be made to such Cause within one (1) week of the refund being made to you, JustGiving reserves the right to invoice the Cause for the amount of the refund and the Cause must agree to settle that invoice within one (1) month of the date of the invoice.

In relation to JustGiving Crowdfunding, JustGiving will charge your donation to your payment card account (or other payment method available on the Website) at the time of donating. For donations made to JustGiving Crowdfunding no refunds will be provided, subject to applicable local laws. If you do not agree to this you should not use the Website to make donations to JustGiving Crowdfunding pages. Occasionally, the person who created the page you have donated to does not pass identity verification or other necessary checks, or there is some other reason that we can’t transfer the funds to them. If this happens to a page you have donated to, we’ll email you to let you know that your donation will be sent to another Cause instead, subject to the deduction of our usual transaction and payment processing fees (as described below). We appreciate that you may prefer to get your money back, so if you request a refund within seven (7) days of receiving this email, we will refund your donation to your payment method (normally within a few working days).
Use of your donation

JustGiving does not warrant that your donations will be used for any particular purpose and shall not be responsible for any dissatisfaction you may have regarding the recipient Cause's use of any donation you may make through the Website or its associated services or websites powered by us or for any misuse or non-use of such donations by the recipient Cause. After donations are made, all further dealings are solely between the donor and such recipient. Please note that for donations to JustGiving Crowdfunding pages, you may receive updates from the page creator to let you know more about their cause. If you would like to stop receiving these emails, you will be able to select this option in the email footer.

Please note that recipient organisations (excluding JustGiving Crowdfunding page creators) reserve the right to use your donation for their general purposes. They will use your donation for any purpose in accordance with their own rules. JustGiving cannot guarantee that funds will be earmarked for a particular appeal. If you want your donation to be used for a specific purpose or for a particular appeal you should contact the organisation and make your donation directly to them.

JustGiving (or any payments platform we work with) will verify the identity of a JustGiving Crowdfunding page creator and undertake any other necessary checks before any funds raised are transferred to the page creator. JustGiving shall have no liability to donors whatsoever for any use or misuse of donations made to the JustGiving Crowdfunding page. The JustGiving Crowdfunding page may state that they will use donations only for specific purposes, but JustGiving cannot guarantee that they will use it for such purpose. If you have any doubts as to how the money will be spent then you should contact the JustGiving Crowdfunding page owner directly to seek reassurance. It is your sole responsibility, as a user of the Website, to ensure that the cause stated to be supported on a relevant JustGiving Crowdfunding page is one that you wish to support.
JustGiving f ees

JustGiving charges a small transaction fee on every donation made on the Website or its associated services. The fee is currently up to 5% of the gross donation. Donations are also subject to third party payment processing fees. Subscription fees also apply to member charities in the UK for additional services. For full details please visit arities.
Unauthorised donations

When you make a donation the transaction is final and not disputable unless unauthorised use of your payment card or other payment method is proved. If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider in accordance with its reporting rules. Similarly, if you experience any issues of this nature when using another payment method, such as PayPal, you should contact the provider of that payment method for assistance.

JustGiving will never email or phone you and ask you to provide all of your payment deta ils.
Protecting your account

When you register with JustGiving and choose a password to protect your secure account, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password to prevent others gaining access to your personal information. This includes any taxpayer details you may have saved under your profile in order to claim Gift Aid. Claiming Gift Aid using someone else’s taxpayer information is against the law. If you become aware of any unauthorised use of your account, we recommend that you change your password immediately and call our helpdesk on the telephone number set out on the Contact Us page.

JustGiving is not an accounting, taxation or financial advisor, and you should not rely on information given on the Website or its associated services to determine the accounting, tax or financial consequences of making a donation to a Cause. We strongly recommend that you consult your own adviser(s) about any accounting, taxation or financial consequences that may affect you.
Pri vacy

JustGiving's Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms of Service. By agreeing to these Terms of Service you also give your consent to the way we may handle your personal information under that Policy. Read our Privacy Policy.
User conduct

You must at all times use the Website and its associated services in a responsible and legal manner and ensure that the content you provide does not breach any intellectual property rights of a third party or breach any right or duty owed to a third party. In particular, but not exclusively:

You must not upload offensive, obscene, racist, defamatory, misleading or deceptive content, including photographs, on to the Website or its associated services. JustGiving does not actively edit the Website but reserves the right to remove or edit any content posted on the Website or its associated services at its sole discretion and without notice, regardless of whether or not it is, in the opinion of any third party, offensive, obscene, racist, defamatory, misleading, deceptive or otherwise inappropriate. If you notice any such content, please email us at
If you build a fundraising page on JustGiving, you must ensure that any information you provide to the public is accurate and not misleading. It is your responsibility to ensure that the content you are uploading on your page (“Content”), in particular the picture(s), photograph(s) and any video(s) is your original work and/or you have the right and/or licence necessary to upload it and it is not copyright-protected. If it is copyright-protected, you must obtain the copyright owner's written consent to use it. JustGiving reserves the right to remove any pictures, photographs, videos or copy from personal fundraising or JustGiving Crowdfunding pages, at its sole discretion and without notice if their copyright status is in any doubt. If you suspect a breach of copyright on the Website, please email us at Please note that by submitting and posting Content to the Website, you grant to JustGiving a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, modify, reproduce, publish, broadcast, display and distribute the Content in any format, using any medium, for the purpose of promoting JustGiving or a Cause, or for any other purpose that we deem appropriate.
Other than in relation to your own JustGiving fundraising page or JustGiving Crowdfunding page, you may not remove or change anything on the Website.

In addition, you as a user must not:

misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any other person or organisation;
use the Website to send junk email or 'spam' to people who do not wish to receive email from you;
use the Website to conduct, display or forward surveys, pyramid schemes or chain letters;
use the Website to conduct, display or forward raffles, lotteries or contests, unless you have obtained any necessary licence or permission and you comply with all applicable laws;
interfere with, or disrupt, the service or services or networks connected to the service and introduce any computer virus (including any variant or similar malicious code or instructions) to the JustGiving systems; or
disclose any information relating to any donor except with the consent of the donor or as permitted by applicable local laws.

JustGiving reserves the right to cancel your membership and delete any JustGiving page without notice in the event of a breach of the above rules. JustGiving may also suspend or delete a JustGiving page if the relevant charity is no longer receiving donations via JustGiving.

Building a JustGiving page in aid of a Cause in no way implies JustGiving's or the Cause's endorsement of your fundraising activity. Many Causes disapprove of, and do not wish to be involved in, dangerous sports or unusual challenges. It is your responsibility to check with the Cause first that your chosen activity does not contravene the Cause's policies. JustGiving reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and without notice, to cancel your personal fundraising page at the request of the Cause, in the event that the Cause, in its absolute discretion, deems your fundraising activity inappropriate or unnecessarily dangerous.

The Website and its associated services contains links to other websites, including the websites of Causes. Inclusion of a link to another website does not imply endorsement of its content or opinions. Your relationship and any transactions with other people or organisations through their websites or otherwise are your own re sponsibility.
Partner Services

JustGiving may from time to time select partners offering relevant information and services that we believe will enhance our provision for visitors to the Website. Whilst we will do our best to select partners of the highest integrity, we are not responsible for any aspect of the information or services offered by them, and if you choose to use their services you do so at your own risk.

The names JustGiving, JustGiving Crowdfunding and, the JustGiving logo and any other product and service names that we may present on the Website or its associated services from time to time may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not JustGiving's, nor in any manner that is likely to cause confusion, or in any way that may disparage or discredit JustGiving. Other trademarks, service marks or logos that appear on the Website or its associated services, in particular (but not exclusively) those of member charities, JustGiving Crowdfunding pages or other organisations, are the property of their respective owners and are likely to be registered trademarks and subject to restrictions as to their use. They must not be used without the express permission of both JustGiving and the trade mark owner.

All content on the Website and its associated services is owned by JustGiving, our member charities, JustGiving Crowdfunding page creators or other original providers, and is protected by the applicable intellectual property and proprietary rights and laws. You may copy content for your own personal, non-commercial use provided you do not alter it or remove any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary notice, and that your usage complies with any requests you may receive from any person with rights in that content. No other use of the Website's and its associated services' content is permitted without the express prior permission of JustGiving, and, where applicable, the copyright holder.

By visiting or using the Website or any of its associated services, you agree not to (and not to use any tool, program, script, browser extension or other technique, including bots, robots, spiders and scrapers and any similar tools or methods, in order to): (i) copy (except as authorised by these Terms of Service), mirror, frame, index, scrape, mine or otherwise gather or extract any of the content or data from the Website or its associated services; or (ii) sell or distribute any data which is gathered or extracted in breach of these terms, or which is based on or derived from any such data. JustGiving may take any measures it sees fit to block access to the Website and its associated services where it believes that these terms have been or will be breached. You agree that you will not take any steps to try to circumvent these measures and that you will not take any steps to mask your IP address. You acknowledge and agree that where there is any actual or threatened breach of these terms, damages may be an inadequate remedy and JustGiving shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies it may have, to seek an injunction or any other equitable relief for such breach. JustGiving may also request that you destroy any data you have gathered or extracted in breach of these terms and you agree that you will comply with such request promptly and certify the same.

Inquiries and permission requests may be sent to help@justgiv
Changes to the service

JustGiving will make every effort to ensure that the Website and other services are available continuously, but reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue all or any part at any time with or without notice. Unless specifically exempted, any new features, services or software applications introduced shall be subject to these Terms of Service. JustGiving reserves its right to remove inactive fundraising or crowdfunding pages from the Website and other se rvices.
Failure to comply with these Terms of Service

In the event that you commit a breach of these Terms of Service JustGiving reserves the right at its sole discretion to immediately and without notice suspend or permanently deny your access to all or part of the Website and associated services.

You may discontinue use of the Website and associated services at any time. These Terms of Service will continue to apply to past use by you.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

JustGiving does not, and nothing in these Terms of Service shall act to, exclude or limit JustGiving's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence, fraud or any other liability which may not by applicable law be excluded or limited. You agree that your use of the Website and its associated services is on an "as is" and "as available" basis and that your use of the Website and its associated services is at your sole risk. JustGiving does not guarantee continuous uninterrupted or secure access to our services and operation of the Website and associated services may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. On that basis, except as expressly set out in these Terms of Service and except for the rights, guarantees and remedies which cannot be excluded, JustGiving does not provide other conditions, guarantees, warranties or terms in relation to the Website or its associated services, to the extent permissible by law. JustGiving shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website, usually at the times set out in the applicable country specific terms, from time to time. During these periods, the Website and its associated services may not be available for use. In exceptional circumstances, the Website and associated services may also become unavailable at other times.

If found liable, JustGiving shall only be liable under these terms of Service for losses which are reasonably foreseeable and caused by JustGiving’s breach of these Terms of Service or JustGiving’s negligence. JustGiving's total liability to you arising under or in connection with these Terms of Service, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the total sum of the donations you have made using the Website in the preceding 12 month period, ending on the date the circumstances giving rise to JustGiving's liability arose.

Any liability JustGiving may have to you shall not include losses relating to any business of yours or your own losses such as lost or corrupt data, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of business opportunity, loss of sales, loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of any software or data, loss of bargain, loss of opportunity, loss of use of computer equipment, loss of or waste of management or other staff time.

JustGiving may change the format and content of the Website and its associated services from time to time. You should refresh your browser each time you visit the Website to ensure that you are looking at the most up to date version of the Website, including the latest version of these Terms of Service.

Nothing in these Terms of Service excludes any statutory rights which may apply to your use of the Website and associated services which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by contract.
Governing law

These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by the law, and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of, the country set out in the country specific terms.
Third party rights

A person who is not a party to these Terms of Service has no right to enforce any term of these Terms of Service.

These additional terms apply and will prevail where you access the Website or associated services in the United Kingdom or any other part of the world (other than Australia and the United States).

The local JustGiving entity and the company who provides the service to you is Limited (registration no. 3871904), whose registered office is at 2nd Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0TA, United Kingdom. Limited has registered a representative office in Hong Kong (with business registration no. 55189291-000 and the address 18/F, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong).

Gift Aid and tax (this section is applicable to UK Tax Payers only)

When you donate to a charity and certain Community Amateur Sports Clubs ("CASCs") on the Website or its associated services and confirm that you are a UK taxpayer in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid scheme as they apply from time to time, JustGiving reclaims Gift Aid on behalf of the charity or CASC under the UK government's Gift Aid scheme.

Every charity or CASC that is a member of JustGiving has a contractual agreement with JustGiving authorising it to reclaim Gift Aid on its behalf. Charities and CASCs must be registered with the Charity Commission or exempt from registration for JustGiving to reclaim Gift Aid on their behalf. JustGiving also features certain not-for-profit and other organisations, which are not eligible for Gift Aid reclaim. Such organisations are clearly listed on the Website as not eligible for Gift Aid reclaim. In addition, donations to JustGiving Crowdfunding pages, including those that have a charitable purpose, are not eligible for Gift Aid. Donations to any of these Causes are not tax deductible.

When a donation is eligible for Gift Aid reclaim, the fee JustGiving charges is up to 5% of the gross donation, which is the donation plus any Gift Aid reclaimed. When a donation is not eligible for Gift Aid reclaim, the up to 5% fee applies to the donation alone.

Non member charities (applies to the UK only)

JustGiving also runs a "non member charity" service. This means JustGiving may also feature on our Website most of the charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, even if they are not one of our member charities. We have made arrangements to allow donations to be made to non member charities through the JustGiving Foundation, who will collect Gift Aid on their behalf. The JustGiving Foundation provides a purely administrative role in collecting donations and reclaiming Gift Aid on behalf of the non member charities.

When JustGiving sends a donation to a non member charity that falls under (i) above, JustGiving will send the non member charity a cheque for the donation plus the Gift Aid, minus JustGiving 's standard 5% fee (see the Gift Aid and tax section above). If the non member charity accepts the donation by cashing the cheque an agreement will be formed with JustGiving. If they do not accept the cheque they will not enter into any agreement with JustGiving and the donation will not be processed. It may take up to six months from when JustGiving passes your donation on to the charity to confirm that the donation will not be processed as cheques are valid for this period. If the non member charity sends the cheque back to JustGiving earlier, JustGiving is unable to make payment or doesn't feel it is appropriate to pass on a donation (for example, if a charity has been de-registered by the Charity Commission or has a sanction listed against them) then JustGiving will contact you so as to return the donation to you. If JustGiving is unable to contact you then JustGiving will select an appropriate alternative charity to pass the donation to.

JustTextGiving is one of JustGiving's associated services. It is a text giving service that processes donations and JustGiving reclaims Gift Aid on behalf of the charities featured on it. JustGiving does not currently charge charities or donors for this service, although JustGiving reserves the right to charge the transaction fee in the future. If JustGiving does decide to charge for the service, JustGiving will tell you in advance.

Text donations may be refunded in certain circumstances (such as where the donation was sent from your mobile phone by mistake or without your permission) at the absolute discretion of your mobile phone operator. If you wish to request a refund you should contact your mobile phone operator to discuss this with them. There is no obligation for your mobile phone operator to provide a refund and they may choose to refund only part of the donation if they wish. Because JustGiving pays donations made via text to charities regularly, we regret that we can only refund a text donation if the charity expressly requests it, and they can pay us back. Please get in touch with the charity first.

Your mobile operator will pass 100% of the text donation onto JustGiving. The minimum text donation is GBP £1 and all donations must be in whole pounds sterling. The maximum text donation allowed is GBP £10 for all mobile operators. Donations sent via text will usually incur your standard text message fee. Please refer to your tariff for details of your standard text message fee.

After you send a donation via text, JustGiving will send you a text message in response, confirming your donation and providing you with the opportunity to add Gift Aid to your donation. JustGiving will include a link to a Gift Aid page where you can provide your details to enable JustGiving to collect Gift Aid on your behalf. Alternatively, JustGiving may send you a text message asking if you would like to add Gift Aid to your donation and to reply to this text message giving your name, address and postcode. For each reply you send to JustGiving text messages regarding Gift Aid your mobile operator will charge you one standard text message fee.

User conduct - you, as a user of the Website, must not provide a donor with any gift, prize or any other form of incentive in connection with the making of any donation by the donor, unless you have obtained any necessary licence or permission, you comply with all applicable laws, and your fundraising page makes clear to donors that they cannot claim Gift Aid on their donation as it is in return for something.

JustGiving fees - All payments referred to in these Terms of Service are exclusive of Value Added Tax, where applicable.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability - The times at which JustGiving shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website will usually be between 12.00am and 08.00 hours (GMT) at the weekends.

Governing law - These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by English law and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

These additional terms apply and will prevail where you access the Website or associated services in Australia.

The local JustGiving entity and the company who provides the service to you in Australia is JustGiving Australia Pty Limited, C/- BDO (BEG), Level 11, 1 Margaret Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000, Australia.

JustGiving fees - All payments referred to in these Terms of Service are exclusive of GST.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability - If you live in Australia, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) may confer rights, guarantees and remedies on you in relation to the provision by JustGiving of services on the Website, which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. JustGiving does not exclude, restrict or modify those rights.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, JustGiving's liability for breach of any consumer guarantee, which cannot be excluded, is limited at the option of JustGiving to, in the case of services supplied or offered by JustGiving which are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption (i) the supply of the services again; or (ii) the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

The times at which JustGiving shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website will usually be between 12.00am and 08.00 hours (GMT) at the weekends.

Governing law - These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by the law of New South Wales, Australia and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.

These additional terms apply and will prevail where you access the Website or associated services in the United States, or you are donating to a campaign that benefits a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.

The local JustGiving entity and the company who provides the service to you in the United States is JG US, Inc., a Delaware corporation whose principal place of business is We Work Grand Central, 450 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10017.

In fundraising campaigns for certain Causes on the JustGiving website, donations are made through JustGive, Inc., a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that operates a donor-advised fund to process donations and make grants to other U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charities pursuant to donor advisements. When you make a donation to support these Causes, you are making a complete and final charitable donation to JustGive, Inc., with a recommendation that the funds be re-granted to the Cause specified on the campaign page, and you will receive a donation receipt from JustGive for your donor-advised contribution. It is JustGive’s normal practice to regrant approximately 92% of the donation per advisement to any qualifying Cause, and to retain 5% for platform costs and JustGive’s expenses, plus credit card processing costs. JustGive makes payments to Causes about 15 days after the end of each month. JustGive makes every effort to comply with donor recommendations and to re-grant the funds to the donor’s designated Cause. However, to comply with federal tax laws and regulations, JustGive is required to retain legal control over any charitable contribution it receives. In rare instances, JustGive may determine that it would be inappropriate or improper to disburse the funds designated for a Cause because, for example, the Cause is no longer recognized as a public charity, or is no longer in good standing with state or federal regulations, in which case, JustGive may, in its sole discretion, disburse the donation to another charity (as determined by JustGive).

No Solicitation or Endorsement

The listing or display of a Cause on the Website does not constitute a solicitation of donations; JustGiving does not engage in any solicitation activities on behalf of, or endorse, any of the Causes appearing on the Website, nor does it consult on the solicitation of contributions, on behalf of any individual, entity, or organization.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated, JustGiving does not endorse and has no affiliation with any of the Causes. In regard to any information or content that may be included to describe the Cause, JustGiving has not independently verified any of the information or content provided, and the sole and complete responsibility to assess, review and verify the suitability of any Cause you want to support through your donation rests entirely with you.

Intellectual Property C omplaints

JustGiving respects the intellectual property rights of others and requires those that visit the Website do the same. If you believe that your work has been used on the Platform in any manner that constitutes infringement, please notify us at The notice should include the following information:

An electronic or physical signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright allegedly infringed;
A description of the work you claim has been infringed, including a copy of the work or the web page address where the work may be found;
Identification of the location on the Website of the material you claim has been infringed, or the link or reference to another website that contains the material you claim has been infringed;
Your name, address, telephone number and email address;
A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the material at issue is not authorized by the owner, the agent of the owner or the law; and
A statement by you that the information in this notification is accurate and a statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are the owner of the material allegedly infringed or authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.

Limitation on Damages


No Class Action


These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to its conflicts of laws provisions.

If you create a JustGiving Crowdfunding page on the Website the following additional terms will apply to your dealings with JustGiving in relation to the relevant JustGiving Crowdfunding page and your use of the Website and associated services. To the extent there is any conflict between these additional terms and the core Terms of Service, these additional terms will prevail.

Donations and bank Trust Funds Accounts

JustGiving will:

Maintain Trust Funds Accounts at Barclays Bank PLC in London in relation to donations made to JustGiving Crowdfunding page (excluding JustGiving Crowdfunding page creators based in the U.S., who must connect their JustGiving Crowdfunding Page through a verified PayPal account).
These are bank accounts in which monies (other than the interest accruing on such monies) are held on trust for JustGiving Crowdfunding page creators and other Causes and do not belong to JustGiving;
Operate the Website so that donors can make online donations by credit or debit card, or by another payment method available on the Website, through your JustGiving Crowdfunding page;
Set up arrangements to ensure that all donations received by JustGiving (after deduction of payment processing charges, JustGiving's transaction fees as set out below and applicable sales taxes) are:
Paid into the Trust Funds Accounts and are held on trust for your JustGiving Crowdfunding; and
Paid out from the Trust Funds Accounts by bank transfer to your bank account, or by any other payment method that you have selected via the Website (for example, payment to a PayPal account that you have connected to your JustGiving Crowdfunding page. Please note that all crowdfunders based in the USA will need to connect their JustGiving Crowdfunding Page to a PayPal account). Such payments will normally be made no later than 10 business days after the end of the funding period for the JustGiving Crowdfunding page, provided that you have passed identity verification and other necessary checks. If you do not pass these checks by the end of the funding period, JustGiving will normally notify you of this and give you a further period of time (usually five (5) months) to pass the checks. Towards the end of this period, you will receive a final reminder by email letting you know that you have seven (7) days left to pass. If you take no action or still do not pass by the end of these 7 days, JustGiving shall apply the donations made to your JustGiving Crowdfunding page to another Cause instead (or refund the donors if they prefer); and
Provide information systems design, testing and verification standards and requirements in accordance with good industry practice to ensure that donors' credit cards, debit cards and other payment types are debited and the Trust Funds Account is credited in a secure manner.

Support and Donation Acknowl edgements

JustGiving will:

Send prompt email acknowledgements to donors in respect of each donation made to the JustGiving Crowdfunding page via the Website; and
Respond, either by email or live chat as appropriate, on your behalf to donors' account enquiries received by JustGiving, in accordance with the Contact Us page on the Website.

Personal Information

JustGiving will:

Capture personal information including but not limited to the donor's name, title, address and email address ("Personal Information") at all times in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and related legislation, regulatory requirements and guidance as updated and amended from time to time, all to the extent applicable ("Privacy Laws") and protect and secure such information. For the avoidance of doubt this paragraph does not imply that JustGiving will share such information with you and/or the JustGiving Crowdfunding page;
Not sell, trade or rent Personal Information to third parties.


JustGiving will comply at all times with all applicable laws relevant to fund-raising and any authority, licence, permit or registration requirements, as amended from time to time; and
JustGiving may, at its sole discretion, evaluate your JustGiving Crowdfunding page and/or the underlying project or cause and decide whether or not to host it on the Website.


JustGiving, as operator of the Website and associated services, acts as an intermediary between you and the individual users of the Website and associated services and, whilst your and/or the JustGiving Crowdfunding page and the individual user information resides on the Website or associated services, JustGiving does not check or exercise any editorial control over the content of such information, save as required by applicable laws. In the event that JustGiving is made aware of or has knowledge of any unlawful activity or information o

16 Wedadmin12 island
Required: Review your data settings

Personal data laws are changing in the European Union, and we want to make it easy for you to view some of your data settings.

Please take a few minutes to review these updates and make choices about some specific data s ettings.
Here's what we'll ask you to review:
How we use personal data from advertisers, app developers and publishers to show you relevant ads
An option for turning on face recognition
Our updated Terms, Data Policy and Cookie Policy

We show you better ads by using data from advertisers, app developers and publishers

We care about protecting your privacy. We don't sell your data, and we've designed our ad system so that we can show you relevant and useful ads without telling advertisers who you are. To show you better ads, we use data that advertisers, app developers and publishers provide us about your activity off Facebook Company Products. This data includes your use of these partners' websites and apps, and certain offline interactions with them, such as purchases. You control whether we use this data to show you ads. To confirm that we can use this data to decide which ads to show you, select Accept and Continue. If you don't want us to use this data to decide which ads to show you, select Manage Data Settings.

What's collected?

We receive data from advertisers, app developers and publishers about you and your interactions with them off Facebook Company Products.

Here are some examples of data that these partners may share with us:

Your activities on websites and apps that use Facebook business tools, such as our pixel or our Like button, including when you buy something online or download an app
Your offline interactions with partners, such as buying a helmet at a cycling shop

How we use it

This data helps us decide which ads to show you across Facebook Company Products, such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as on the websites, apps and devices that use our advertising services. For example, if we learn that you've recently purchased a lamp, we may show you ads for items such as rugs or pillows.

Advertisers approach Facebook to reach groups of people with certain attributes, for example, women aged 18–34 who are interested in gaming. We can help advertisers do this without us telling them who you are.

Let us know if you accept that we use data from advertisers, app developers and publishers based on your online and offline activity, to decide which ads to show you across Facebook Company Products, including Facebook and Instagram, as well as on websites, apps and devices that use our advertising services.

If you don't want us to use data from partners to decide which ads to show you, you can manage your data settings on Facebook. Bear in mind that we'll still use data from partners to provide, personalise and improve our products, to promote safety, security and integrity, and to provide measurement, analytics and other business services, as described in our Data Policy.

Face recognition
Before you manage your data settings, these examples can help you decide what choices to make.
Face recognition technology allows us to help protect you from a stranger using your photo to impersonate you or tell people with visual impairments who's in a photo or video using a screen reader.
If you keep face recognition turned off, we won't be able to use this technology if a stranger uses your photo to impersonate you. If someone uses a screen reader, they won't be told when you're in a photo unless you're tagged.

To recognise whether you're in a photo or video, our system compares it with your profile picture, and photos and videos that you're tagged in. This lets us know when you're in other photos and videos so that we can create a better experience.
Allow Facebook to recognise me in photos and videos
Don't allow Facebook to recognise me in photos and videos

Please accept our updated Terms to continue using Facebook

We've updated our Terms to better explain our service and what we ask of everyone using Facebook.

We've made it easier for you to control your data, privacy and security settings in one place, which you can do at any time in Settings. We've also updated our Data Policy and Cookie Policy to reflect the new features that we've been working on, and to explain more about how we create a personalised experience for you. Updates include:

new features such as Marketplace, camera effects and accessibility tools
more details about how our systems process things that you share, such as text, photos and videos
how we share information, systems and technology across the Facebook Company Products, including WhatsApp, Instagram and Oculus
adding Instagram, a service provided by Facebook Ireland, to the Data Policy

17 Thuadminpresto hosting for frances
domain name has been cancelled so hosting will disappear today
email us@
B1rdGu1de was b1rdgu1de

John Lewis
We’ll keep you in the know

Thank you for letting us know you’d like to keep hearing from:

John Lewis
John Lewis Finance

While we update our records you may continue to receive emails from us asking if you'd like to stay updated. Don't worry, we've registered your request today meaning you don't need to tell us again.
If you change your mind in the future, here’s how to update your marketing p references
For emails or SMS

Emails – simply click the unsubscribe link in the email.

SMS – if you already hear from us this way, you’ll find unsubscribe instructions in every message.
Go online

Log into your online account – or create a new one – and go to Marketing Preferences.
Visit John Lewis

walk up kaunos mountain with myra

18 FriadminThe Marlowe and your data.

On the 25 May the new data privacy law, known as GDPR, will come into effect. The Marlowe always takes the protection of your data very seriously and we want you to receive communications from us that are informative and helpful.

For a detailed guide to how we use the information that you give us,

​ ​ please read our privacy pol icy

We currently contact you about upcoming events and activities. If you no longer wish to be on our mailing list then y ou can update your account information and contact preferences at any time by logging into your account online.

Alternatively, if you have any queries you can email us here.

We look forward to seeing you at The Marlowe very soon.

19 SatadminGDPR: Is your business ready?
You may have heard about the impending introduction of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) but is your business ready?
Coming into effect on the 25th May 2018, here is how to make sure you're fully prepared.

Firstly, and most importantly, don't panic! You have time; the regulation doesn't come into effect until 25th May 2018, providing time to get your house in order.

However, don't get complacent. Failure to follow GDPR could prove costly, with fines for breaching regulation reaching up to €20m or 4% of the company's global annual turnover (whichever is greater). The first rule of GDPR therefore is that no business, big or small, can afford to ignore it.

So, how can you make sure your small business is playing by the book?
GDPR: Is your business ready?
The six fundamentals of GDPR success

GDPR is centred on protecting consumer rights and ensuring their data is properly protected by the organisation to whom it has been entrusted. The legislation is built upon six fundamentals that any small business must become familiar with:

Data must be collected for a specific reason
All data must be processed fairly
Its usage should be limited to relevant processes only
All data should be up to date and accurate
It must not be retained for longer than is necessary
It must be protected by sufficient security meas ures

Understanding these areas is crucial, and your organisation must act to ensure they remain within the law:
Carry out an audit:

You'll often be surprised by how much data you have on file, especially if you're a small business that's been up and running for several years. If you're going to protect your data, you need to know what you have. Outdated data, or information that's no longer relevant needs to be removed from your systems if you're to comply with GDPR. If your company employs more than 250 individuals you are required to maintain a record of all your organisation's personal data processing activities internally, and to make them available to the regulator upon request.
Check-in with your suppliers:

Another important part of the audit process is checking that your suppliers are also compliant and that your contracts with them are futureproof. Many SMEs work with an entire network of third party suppliers, but you will still be liable if they fail to protect your data in an adequate fashion. That means that you need to include specific requirements in your contracts with your suppliers. For example, in the event of a data breach, your supplier is required to notify you without undue delay after becoming aware of the breach. More generally, there needs to be a set of written terms requiring the supplier to demonstrate their own compliance with the GDPR and support you in relation to data protection matters. You should be thinking about:

Identifying existing contracts with suppliers and ensuring a data processing agreement is put in place which complies with the specific GDPR contractual requirements.
Ensuring suppliers are reviewing their own data security

Create a paper trail and classify it:

By having a record of all data you've collected, you'll be able to provide evidence that you're compliant, and if you have a small breach, you'll be able to quickly rectify it. You also need to make sure any personal information is classified accordingly, so you know which pieces of data you're storing need the most protection.
Remember your customers and colleagues are entitled to copies of information you hold about them and, in some instances, may require you to erase the information - both of which require you knowing where your information is!
Spread the word:

It's crucial that all your team are conscious of the changes coming into place. Make sure you've explained to them what's happening, when and why. It's also important to have a clear Data Protection policy regarding how you handle and store personal data across your organisation, so you can be sure everyone is on the same page.

Keep up the training. Make sure your staff practices good information security process, from using complex passwords, to changing them frequently, and not sharing these passwords with other colleagues or unauthorised persons.

You should treat your customer and employee information in the same way that you would treat your own information. You wouldn't leave your bank statement, or passport lying around, would you?
Be tech ready:

It's all well and good having the theory, processes, and people on board with GDPR, but if your tech isn't up to the job you could find yourself in serious trouble. Take the time to check that all your devices are encrypted with the latest security software, so you can rest assured that your data is protected.

Review the way in which you collect, store and destroy documents which might include information on your customers or employees. Some questions you might consider asking yourself:

Is our premises secure from outside intruders? E.g. CCTV, alarms etc.
Are paper documents held securely in locked cabinets? As an alternative, can we scan any paper documents and hold these electronically?
Are visitors required to sign in and wear a pass?
Do your co-workers operate a clear desk policy and tidy away sensitive documents when away from their desk?
Am I satisfied that my colleagues know how to detect a suspicious email (which may contain viruses designed to steal data from your PCs)?
Does my company dispose of such documents in confidential waste bins?

Keep up the good work:

GDPR isn't about ticking boxes and forgetting about it. It's something you're always going to need to be aware of, so make sure to continue testing, monitoring, and bettering your processes. Dedicating a little time each month to check you're compliant, could save you a big headache when it comes to being audited.

Ultimately, SMEs needn't feel burdened by GDPR. There is time to get your house in order and for many it will take only a few minor changes to be compliant. Just remember to document everything you're doing, and keep your customer's rights at the heart of everything you do, that way you'll keep them, and the regulator, happy.

20 Sunjazz j28 may shop ssl expires0.000.00
 admin dss_saq_instr_guide_v2.0.pdf


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How PCI DSS can help your business:

Identify risks in the way you store or transmit customer data
Set a clear path of action to address any data security risks
Make sure your service providers do not put your data security at risk
Show your customers that you take data security seriously

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22 Tueadmin22:15 fly back from turkey0.000.00

23 Wedadminneed to get SSL cert URGENT as last day

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stretch 7:30

24 Thuadminaqua0.000.00
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25 FriadminSammy holiday

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ie if done by Sarah. .5

26 Satadminabs
 jazz jsplitJazz.php on servage
convert each month to labels.csv
purchased labels
investigating gdpr

27 Sunjazz j
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28 Monadminbank holiday0.000.00

29 TueCruiseFerrywork on privacy statement 1.0

emailed david re purchase of ssl

ffion called cannot edit an article or add
appears that it is to do with browser using firefox on old mac. i can get in on her account fine using firefox and vista. suggested uploading safari .25
it works on opera
 adminabout 31000.00 from aviva life the 24.24 policy has matured 11053.44 paid in.

need to figure out what to do with it.

went to laura ashley to order curtains and furniture. got credit card 40% off and 10% off using store card. got paint for mirror and shelf

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30 Wedadminfunctional fitness 11.00
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31 Thuadminaqua0.000.00
 klsWe discussed the possibility of rotating the footers around the various sponsors of the Society in 2018. Only the main sponsor has so far approved a banner, and I would like to get this online, and the old JLT banner taken down. I attach this - a more professional one will be available in due course and we can change it when the banners of the other sponsors are available. Could you link it to their website 0.000.25
Goto Admin