Websites Calendar 2022

Job Times


October 2022

1 runs out domain this month0.000.00
 adminSimons funeral/memorial



2 Sunadminmeal at beccas0.000.00
 klswork on sponsor marquee
live on kls

3 Monklscheck out the image resize on marquee
need to sign off this and send bill
 adminviewings - cancelled val has covid
get contract ready and inventory plus id
abs core and more

composed email to diana and iz re silk cottage
lids is going to get interest only on rosier

dreadful news re Courtney being stabbed sunday 2am not found till 7am dog walker

4 Tueadminviewings - cancelled val has covid
ff on waiting l ist

spoke to val she is going to drop off keys today
moving to littlebourne

spoke to south east water to setup water account 31154507-3

going to silk cottage 4 hours gardening 12.00 to 4pm

egym 300 calories 1 circuit


5 Wedadminfireworks supper salesh peter barnes
dentist 2pm

6 Thuadmingo to bridport to pick up frances and then on to bromyard to stay at annes
stay thursday night, friday, saturday and then drive to bridport to drop off francess on sunday and then drive home on monday

emily will need to get someone to look after bumble for the afternoon

7 Friadminat annes0.000.00

8 Satadminschool reunion - cancell

at annes

9 Sunadmindrive to bridport and stay night at frances0.000.00

10 Monadmindrive back from bridport to chartham0.000.00

11 Tueadminstretch
ff on waiting list - not available

washing - 2 lots put out in sun
garden take photos and ask val what she wants
take bench 2 garden ornaments, post photo frame
to littleborne
see steve and jessica clarke with 3 yr old stanley

they want rentain
send an email
they want garden planters will need to get rid of shed.


12 Wedadminxfit
put washing out jamies work trousers and top very thick with plaster so not included

rang diana after xfit exhausted

created receipt for james at rosier court
visit him look at window, take keys receipt and check out water bill


13 Thuadminfrances to start isolation0.000.00

14 Friadminpilates - need to pay

went to cadets and had booster double variant

1.5 hour mowing back garden
1.45 gardening millbank strimmer just fitted in my car
brought curtains in

15 Satadminff on waiting list - got on nathan running it
saw tania and terrie

lids was coming down cancelled
iron curtains for rentain
did sudoko

tired still from vaccingation

16 Sunadminmeant to stay with rachel in saxmundham and go to see charles on monday but courtney has been attacked. stabbed on sunday 2am found by dog walker at 7am think it could be her boyfriend

strimmed rentain again
met val and nicky they removed their gnome on a motorbike
trimmed front bed pulled out weeds and at back.
need to book up to recycle rubbish wood bits of tat and weeds 4.5 hours

changed bedding 2 lots of washing


17 Monadminabs core and more
Created AST for steve
corresponded with page and co
rang south east water re rentain
taken meter readings at rentain
gardening 3.5 hours at rentain
put washing out blowy
strimmed bank .45

peter rang wanting details of gary mcrob
spoke about david etc

david rang wanting to know if had vaccination
he went to gp but had run booked for next saturday

18 Tueadminfrances knee op0.000.00
 daviddavid killed around 5:15pm

peter rang at 8:15 re finding david's bike mashed up

rang round hospitals to see if he was there around 8:30pm
drank brandy
rang the police

19 Wedadminxfit
Lizzies husband ian died at 5.00am
12.30 recycling rentain rubbish

down to wormshill met diana at starbucks 1.15pm
got back to millbank and picked up lids and 3 of us down to davids
went to davids house found keys and locked it. debs normans wife told us more info on david

drove back dropped lids at millbank and dropped diana off at st dunstans
on return family liason max
 davidat 1am police confirmed david had died

norman davidson mobile 07733328715

DS Rebecca Kemp statement Peter
Susan K and M coroner service

DS Peter Greaves 01622798535 leading officer

Peter 01622664330

Louise 0782121984


20 Thuadmin coroner rang re david
need to confirm details

went down to davids
saw Mel and husband
saw jane and simon bass
peter came and took airgun to his house with set of keys for davids house
chat long with peter and he went through what happened 2.25 to 5.25

spoke to becca
spoke to diana
missed swim

knakebov or knakebof maybe passwords
janet manuel coronor
police ref ah-dh-116-22
the number of cases in 2022

on holiday 10 november
rang mike and brenda

21 Friadminno pilates
went to silk cottage after talking to giles ford solicitor
diana washed up and cleaned kitchen, loaded washing machine and changed bedding hoovered upstairs.

i spoke to andy passey and went through paperwork
took broken laser printer and some other stuff to be recycled
debs lent clothes horse and all windows shut

got home about 7.30

22 Satadminsorted post of davids into 3 folders need to collect more

jamie went to silk cottage nitesh doing cladding

24 Monadmin10am ds gr and max family liaison

terrie popped around with card and bulbs

ds greaves came to davids and went through the police investiagation
david's 1st post mortem
massive brain trauma
he will have seen the driver and the driver him when he hit the windscreen
should be instant
max rang and we have agreed that david will be returned without various body parts so that we can go ahead earlier with funeral
court case may take upto one year

younger guy is to blame not dad david

need to account for 5.15 till 9pm

mentioned article valerie re tramp of wormshill

we found the will

abs 6:30
dropped diana off at kings
 davidintermediate death cert
head traumer
2nd pm
was instant
dispose lawful or parts reunited

25 Tueadmindiana arrived at 10:30
went down to davids
spoke to hannah

wemt through more stuff and rang giles re will
need to wait for intermediate death cert


26 Wedadminxfit
got a cold
ment to deal with rentain but stayed at home spoke to emma, mike, brenda

frances and anne


27 Thuadminwent to davids
job was to find anything relating to leases on tied cottages

found a few things
~Peter wonderful he has cleared around the walnut tree and removed the fence pruned the tree

28 Friadminno pilates
was going to dig around walnut but felt crap so spent a lot of day in bed

29 SatadminBeverley 11.30 kit. Marlowe0.000.00

30 Sunadminin bed most of day not good
lizzie rangangus canada, hamish kenya

31 Monadminabs - cancelled
still not good

did washing
washed my hair

work on website
Goto Admin