Websites Calendar 2022

Job Times


October 2022

1 runs out domain this month0.000.00

5 Wedadmindentist 2pm
val and nicky move out

lids mortgage been pulled by company
2 years at 212.67 a month
now will be 295.17 a month 2 yr
or 266.29 a month 5 yr
both going to 302.04

2 year early out 1,100 if in first year, 550 if in second year
5 year early out 2750 1st year, 2200 2nd year and 550 thereafter

1 year of payments 2yr one 3542.04 and if early out +1,100 so 4642.04
2 years of payment 2yr one 7084.08 and if early out in 2nd yr +550 so 7634.08

1 year of payments 5yr one 3195.48 and if early out +2750 so 5945.48
2 years of payment 5yr one 6390.96 and if early out in 2nd yr +2200 so 8590.96

my pension in oct 2019 was 265k
in jan 2021 273k
now 262k so less than 3 years ago
is has dropped by 20k in the last 2 months

i have 45k isas so if i lend this to lids she will have a mortgage of 10k rather than lose 4.6k in one year or 7.6k in 2 years she could pay me back 300 a month which is 3,6k a yr so her borrowing from me will drop from 45k

still no keys from rentain. looked at house and a lot of stuff still there. email val

tried to drop off 2nd set of keys cut today at rosier but still no lights on.


8 Satadminschool reunion - cancell

at annes
had porridge breakfast
looked for leak in loft
went and got petrol
anne drove us to hereford - pretty city sunny day
went into the cathedral some lovely modern stained glass windows

coffee and cake outside argument re statues being destroyed

had more brownies at Annes

in the evening went to pub and had good pub meal
had stem ginger steamed pudding not had for a long time me and frances shared the bill of 98 pounds
Goto Admin