Websites Calendar 2024

Job Times


July 2024

1 Monadminabs core and more

Tilia - Lime Trees

The ‘Lime’ or ‘Linden’ make up a genus of handsome, stately, deciduous trees suited to a large garden or parkland. Heart shaped leaves appear in spring and persist until late into autumn. Tiny, fragrant flowers late spring.
you can use young leaves for salad and make linden tea
Its steeped sweet flowers have been used in folk medicine to promote relaxation and relieve symptoms of anxiety, and some studies seem to support these claim

contacted halifax re forgotten to insure rentain since may 2022 - they will do it until i said we have more than 2 rented houses so now with CIA

paid rentain insurance
tax returns me
start jamie tax return


2 Tueadminff
jamies tax return

3 Wedadminxfit
knackered after xfit
weekly shop 150.00

watch ipad lie down
seana says will do tax return
kls replacement of sonia has emailed

4 Thuadminaqua
jamie tax return
polling day

5 Friadmintom buckley dentist 12pm
labour won election
nigel farage split conservatives
if representable then they would have done marveslously
next to wreck labour
scotish snp did very badly
watch wednesday netflix the adams family tim burton production

jamies tax return go through with jamie
weeding garden front
raining most of day

6 Satadminff
strength and stretch
coffee tania, terrie
2.45 hours so will get fined
gardening strim bank
jamie mowed lawns
front pruning and weeding
gareth evans #shirley and alan cumbria son died at age of 49


7 Sunadmintax returns ugh collating images of bills

doone lots of sudokos and getting fast

8 Monadminabs core and more
saglio 16b lee terrace
wantage rd saglio
GH heating davids cottages book service
emailed response to new Sonia kls

https://www n?action=subscribe_now


sent to Seana


9 Tueadminff
lunch with barbie 1pm - barbie paid. lovely starter lettuce leaf with spicy mushrooms beensprouts and tie a carrot slice with peanut sauce - satay

weeding back garden
jamie take weeds bags to recycle

10 Wedadminxfit
tried to ring rosemary re wantage, lee terrace and silk cottage. no reply so emailed

weeding garden 4 hours

watched semi final football against Netherlands 2 - 1 to uk

put washing on


11 Thuadminaqua
washing sheets
making beds
weeding garden
pay insurance for 3 months 2 barnfield house
157.96 for 3 months will end on 28/10/2024
no refund and cannot be renewed but can get new policy


12 Friadminpilates
diana 7pm with lids went to watch her sing
quite good nice selection of music

tax return to seana - checked mine and now jamies
paid council tax millbank
chat to lids
jamie took 4 sacks of weeds to recycle

13 Satadminff
strength and stretch
spoke to penny whose children boy 22 or so has chrones disease and now sister about 19 too. jack has done 10 miles in 1 hr3 mins 3rd for men team
coffee with diana, tania and terrie

gary heskworth was at starbucks too

chat to lids
gardening. make fish pie
jay is coming to stay after having done marathon in cumbria not too well and got a cold
lids pressy for jamie lovely taster meal at the wine barn 7pm lids jamie and me
brilliant food looking at trip to morocco


14 Sunadminjay and lids left in morning
gardening back raised bed de-weeded and planted dahlias

15 Monadminabs core and more
rang norman. his shower not working. he will speak to richard re ash die back
texted peter urgent
spoke to chris hidson re mortgage delay
spoke to diana keeping her updated. she has written naveed a nice email apologising for her behaviour
peter rang knee still not done trying to persuade doctor that he is fit even though blood pressure a little high and sugar diabetes too
his solicitor will not give his name to giles until he has sold the flat
peter is to contact giles tomorrow and tell him his situation. i need to email giles too
police spoke to him about david's killer
4 cases against him - no tax; no insurance; drunk/drugs under influence of; and not notifiying police or hospital re david
august 5th court case re guilty or not guilty
gavin made lovely water biscuits today says he will give me the recipe next week and he gave me 3 to take home
Attempted to ring rosemary again - what is going on!!
email nicholas and emma re annexe

16 Tueadminff
gardening weeding side beds raining a bit. plant up back bed.

sent jamies tax return to jamie
put washing in lids room
set off another wash

spoke to anne re her kitchen, horse riding and alice re bracka 2 mutated gene. she will come in august to stay

17 Wedadminxfit
annexe come back with major problems listing and lewisham council

emailed response 6 hours

weeding front and behind hedge
put washing out

18 Thuadminaqua
need to ring diana - she is to do a 1 to 1
copied annexe email to nicholas and emma
the wall problem 2 major bits bottom of wall abuting yard when juliet was there. the pointing has no vertical pointing replacing what was there. the new bricks at the top was were plants had ingressed the bricks and again the pointing replaced previous pointing

do jamies tax return sign tr8

sent email to seana
weeding side garden. jamie took 4 bags to recycle
 klscancelled ssl for This domain not used since dec 2023 0.000.00

19 Friadminpilates
silva method watched on utube - interesting

moved mattress from spare room to jamies
shopping for food
prepared tomorrows food
also made pea and lettuce soup
forgot to put out smoked salmon.


20 Satadminsummer games - cancelled
food lunch at millbank
continental prawns fusion avocado, mango, p, pomegranate seeds, pink grapefruit; lettuce chilli big prawns
jamie olive snake mhanncha/beef
ottelinghi green couscous; Dauphinoise potatoes; onion and tomatoe; chilli peppers
raspberry vacharin; summer fruit tart - strawberrries; blueberries; grapes on creme patiseree and pate sucree

went to artichoke for g and ts
6 puppies lola and pepe

dan, graham, debbie peter, paul sarah, lids jay jamie and me

21 Sunadmin Labour's plans for the rental property market:
See below - giving greater rights for tenants.
Critics have warned the reforms risked leaving landlords without a means to evict problem tenants.
A report by UK Finance says landlords have faced a challenging environment since 2016, when a stamp duty surcharge on additional properties was introduced.
They are also no longer entitled to the progressive removal of higher-rate income tax relief on mortgage interest payments for rentals.

Data from UK Finance showed the number of outstanding mortgages to landlords has fallen for the first time since 1996, when bespoke loans for property investors were first introduced.

The Tories have already had it in for landlords, these Labour measures will drive more people away from renting out properties.

Labours key renters reform bill amendments
Introduce ban on no-fault evictions from day one of office
Insist landloards wait to claim intention to sell or move in a family member for at least the first two years of a tenancy
- currently they only have to wait six months
Landlords must offer their property for sale to the tenant before trying to evict them on grounds of needing to sell
Apply a "hardship test" allowing courts to refuse a possession order if it will cause greater hardship to tenant than the landlord
get rid of the ground for "persistent rent arrears" to be used when a tenant falls into two months of arrears at least three times.

visited liz melville and went to westgate gardens where janet was singing - finally met her boyfriend

walked back to lizs house; lindsay kindly drove us there.


22 Monadminabs

washing very windy and overcast
sent whatsapps re puppies
changed bedding in spareroom and re put out work on bed and base.
 klslooking at Rubi cms as precursor to meeting on Wed 24 july 2024 with surrey law society

wordpress site using 2021 template
 properties 269479/4-bed-villa-for-sale-in-dalyan-mugla-turkey 0.000.00

23 Tueadminff

SPOKE TO MYRA this morning both are not well going to doctor at 1pm. myra got urine infection and les is coughing continuously

submitted wantage and brightfield selective certs for lewisham counci l ce-application/payment/success/LWS-775263203618?_t= 23072319.0427cdd14ab01a6a034637ce8de8fef1706afa4a

24 Wedadminxfit

teams meeting kls 9:30
create email investigate surrey website
private mortgage loan lids will have to declare tax then jamie can offset

need to find the properties percentage
no problem letting them know we are married
props bought before married

 klsteams meeting kls 9:30
create email investigate surrey website and rubi crm

meeting 1 hour investigation 3
kelly email

25 Thupropertieswantage road
rosinca mortgage
user: wantageRosinca
pwd !W3nt3g5
memorable millbank


email rosemary
Orange - la Compil des Bleues (English)

rang frankie. still giles has not sent out plans to solicitors

worked out loan and charge for wantage road.
sent email to rosemary

26 Friadminpilates

lids coming home 5:10 pick up station late airandb booking

spoke to diana re giles
spoke to anne on the way to manchester to see hairspray with catherine and alex

kls proposal
back side lawn mowed
watered plants
 klslook at rubi proposal

send email back to scott 2 hours

27 Satadminff
strength and stretch
starbucks at 12pm diana

29 Monadminabs core and more0.000.00

30 Tueadminff

31 Wedadminxfit
Goto Admin