Websites Calendar 2014

Job Times


July 2014

1 TuequoteQuote to

How To Transfer The Domain Registration To Bluehost

Contact the current registrar to unlock the domain and retrieve the EPP or Authorization code.
Make sure the whois contact information is correct as we will be sending a verification code to the email address listed. If domain privacy is "on" this will not work, please turn off privacy before this step.
Log in to your Bluehost cPanel and click the Domain Manager tab at top of the screen.
Select the domain you wish to transfer from the list.
To the right of the domain, under the "Main" sub-tab, click on the link "Transfer this domain to your account".
Read the information presented and provide the EPP code then click continue.
We will now send an email containing a second verification code to the administrator email address. If you do not have access to this email address, contact the current registrar and update the WHOIS contact information.
Enter the second verification code and click Continue.
Select the options you require for nameservers, Autorenewal, Contact Information, Privacy and agree to the Terms of Service. Click "Add transfer to shoppingcart".
Complete the checkout process.

Note: These are a few points to keep in mind when transferring your domain name registration.

The transfer process takes 3-10 days once initiated. Ensure the domain name will not expire in this time frame to avoid potential problems with the transfer. If recently renewed, make sure it is at least 30 days after the renewal date to ensure you do not lose the additional time added with the current registrar.
When transferring a domain to us, ICANN requires an additional year be added to the domain's current expiration date. The cost for this is $14.99 per domain. If your account has an available "Free Domain" credit, it will automatically be applied during the checkout process.
ICANN policy does not allow a domain name to be transferred from a registrar within 60 days of the date or registration or renewal.
If you would like to start hosting the domain with us within 24-48 hours rather than waiting to complete the registry transfer, contact the current registrar before starting the transfer and modify the DNS to and Once the transfer is initiated, no change to the DNS can be made until the transfer is either canceled or has completed.
 jazz jadd july mag to shop .5
query re 'alt' tag coming up on google news .25
 JHShollis thomson reuters provided ip addresses - still got problem with access 0.500.00
 pastoralsorting out past issues on subdirectory split by year 1.5
sort out order of categories 1.5

2 WedJHSpdfs on belgium site published and sent links to Judith .25

Queries re cover/rates with Chris 1.0
changes to associate editors page and trustees 1.0
Holis finally happy - ip addresses for thomson reuters working .25
 kylcopying over the files on to
copying over the live db to the training db
checking which modules have changed in the last year 1.0
work on the club upgrade 2.0
 pastoralclean up past weekly and past sundays .750.750.00
 quoteagreed for website move 0.250.00

3 Thuadmin3pm michael farlam

workload 1.0
 klschanges copied over to live domain
quote created and sent across to Suzanne
 quoteDiscussed landscaper with current provider metropolis
Various customised plugins not coming over
zmags not necessarily coming over. can't see why the links can't - may need to add an iframe plugin
the ipad app definately not coming over as owned in a group of mags
 kyladding a user .5
calendar for new fixtures and ref table checked and code cleaned 2.0

4 Fridigitaladd to - already there
added as a test

tested and this works forwarding. Maybe the order was too big
 Trainingpeter has talked about raspberry pi
and app inventor for androids
 kylteamYearUp.php this creates the team_defaults table. Need to delete last years before running

addteamtoconst.php - changes re defaults

need to get all 3 in line and released to ken 5.0

tab change
scorer changes 2.0

6 Sunkylpreparation of site. standard checking of javascript on referees

training site ready to be used.

7 Mondigitaltalk to will re mixed media app and yudu app0.000.00
 kylworking on a directory comparison app dirTest.php 1.500.00
 JHSproof back from Judith - one article missing should be 15. Couple of content changes - not sure this should be done. Added the article missing to 15 - should not matter re the order as this is done by page order 3.0 3.000.00
 adminprint off timesheet and send to Karen0.250.00
 Training 9/feb/10/gameculture-apple
another article on ipad apps

8 Tuekylsetoff /dirTest.php on website. Capture output and compare - cleanup test and training moving redundant code to old directories 2.0
 JHSproblem with order of vol 89 iss 4. Peter reordered but problem with SCOPUS 2.0

15 pdfs sent out to corresponding authors .75

and then found out that the changes done by Belgium muddled up all the authors. Manually re edited authors from article 7 to 15 1.25
 quotequery re landscaper0.250.00
 TrainingACCESS to citations
Scopus Elsevier
user 10492627 owd 18Jan91 mmulibrary
put journal of horticultural science and biotechnology in the search bit
at off campus sign in
then drill down using date year range

9 WedJHScheck changes on belgium site .5
queries re subs .5
 Trainingtransporting content from one CMS to WORDPRESS

h ttp://

tried out xml for copying wp rosanna over to servage. some of the content did get across for images. needed to copy over the files for the theme. and the db had loads missing so copied over tables individually.
requested peter from metropolis for downloads 15/migrate-existing-website-to-wordpress/
 kylquery re html for table .5
investigate whether iframe or just pure html
fixtures table would have to be stripped down and use a button for uploading code as in youtube 1,0
 LCRrenewals for upto september
36 2renewals rejected amended db .75
email alert campaign 17 .50
 digitalgive Will webmail info for herbiephotobooks.com0.250.00

10 ThuLCRbad emails admin .5 0.500.00

This is to give option for xtra non menu pages which will have the same layout as the home page.
Added the bronze award to the home page for respect.
setup this url so that landscaper can be loaded
user metro pwd !4jul

11 Frikyltable.php
This is to give readers the ability to get source code to add to their website of their own league table.

Iframe option doesn't necessarily work for all sites

 quoterang David Curtis re landscaper
he has another mag which he will be pushing next year
 jazz jjazz jj website logo requested0.750.00
 JHSip management and query1.500.00
 Trainingclean up ftp process

12 Satadminmichael and linda folk and ale sandwich0.000.00

13 SunTrainingclean up ftp process

14 Monkylcreate an embedded iframe option

 adminscanning images1.250.00
 quotesent email with portal0.250.00
 JHSip management and query1.000.00
 LCRchange format for Chris of spreadsheet .75
query re alerts .75
 jazz jinvestigate ipad tinymce problems - looks like the editor still doesn't work well.

problem as have not got an ipad or iphone

15 TueJHSstats query
automated statistical process we cannot do it
 LCRemail reminders 99 records expired in may 2014 alert 0.750.00
 kylxls spreadsheet for ref marks4.000.00
 Traininginvestigation into macs - need mountain lion as the lowest os for developing maps. mini mac - a bit old technology 0.750.00
 klschange course page to add buttons as problem with identifying course title click for details 2.000.00

16 Wedkylxls spreadsheet for ref marks2.000.00
 LCRemail forwarding of rejects and replies0.750.00
 adminfiling when power off1.000.00
 klscreate 3 diff designs with xtra button for details
 CruiseFerrycreate wordpress 3.9 on headley servage as the test site
 JHSadd 2015 rates0.500.00

17 ThuCruiseFerryxml file is 19MB and wordpress import can only deal with 8MB. Split the xml into 3 files

get wordpress import plugin

Start import
file 1

Import WordPress
Failed to import lm_counties Counties
Failed to import lm_counties East Sussex
Failed to import lmt_profile Equipment
Failed to import lmt_profile Equipment Screening & Recycling
Failed to import lmt_profile Excavators
Failed to import lmt_profile Green roofs
Failed to import lm_counties Kent
Failed to import lm_counties Lancashire

File 2

Import WordPress
Failed to create new user for ben.wilkie. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for stuart.smith. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for Joanne Atkin. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for felix.blakeston. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for david.curtis. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to import lm_counties Counties
Failed to import lm_counties East Sussex
Failed to import lmt_profile Equipment
Failed to import lmt_profile Equipment Screening & Recycling
Failed to import lmt_profile Excavators
Failed to import lmt_profile Green roofs
Failed to import lm_counties Kent
Failed to import lm_counties Lancashire
Failed to import mycarousel_category la test-landscaping-carousel
Failed to import lm_counties Leeds
Failed to import lmt_profile Lighting
Failed to import lmt_profile Machinery Equipment
Failed to import lm_counties Manchester
Failed to import lm_counties Northamptonshire
Failed to import lm_counties Nott inghamshire
Failed to import lm_products Products
Failed to import lm_products Roses
Failed to import lmt_profile Services
Failed to import lmt_profile Services Screening & Recycling
Failed to import lm_products Shrubs
Failed to import lmt_profile Sleepers supplies
Failed to import lm_products Soft fruit
Failed to import lm_counties Suffolk
Failed to import lm_counties Surrey
Failed to import lmt_profile Terrain aeration
Failed to import lm_products Tree ferns
Failed to import lm_products Trees
Failed to import lmt_profile Turf & grass seed
Failed to import lm_products Water plants
Failed to import lm_counties West Sussex
Failed to import lm_counties Worcestershire
Failed to import lm_counties Yorkshire
Failed to import lmt_profile Aeration
Failed to import lm_products Alpines
Failed to import lmt_profile Alternative fuels
Failed to import lmt_profile Artifical turf
Failed to import lm_products Bamboos
Failed to import lm_counties B uckinghamshire
Failed to import lm_products Buxus
Failed to import lm_products Cash & carry
Failed to import lm_counties Cheshire
Failed to import lm_products Climbers
Failed to import lm_products Conifers
Failed to import lmt_profile Drainage & irrigation
Failed to import lmt_profile Erosion control
Failed to import lm_products Ferns
Failed to import lmt_profile Gro undcare
Failed to import lm_products Hanging gardens
Failed to import lm_products Heathers
Failed to import lm_products Hedges
Failed to import lm_products Herbaceous
Failed to import lm_products Herbs
Failed to import lm_products Hostas
Failed to import lmt_profile Landscaping supplies
Failed to import lm_products Liners
Failed to import lm_products Nationwide
Failed to import lm_products Palms & tropical
Failed to import lm_products Patio plants
Failed to import lm_products Perennials
Post �Horses for courses� already exists.
Post �Health&Safety Show� already exists.
Post �Journey of discovery� already exists.
Post �Synthetic grass� already exists.
Post �� already exists.
Post �Wildlife workshops� already exists.
Post �Green legacy� already exists.
Post �Water Harvesting� already exists.
Post �PORTABLE TURNTABLES� already exists.
Post �ScotsTurf 009� already exists.
Post �SHAPING UP WELL� already exists.
Post �GREEN SKILLS SEMINAR� already exists.
Post �Strong Christmas trading� already exists.
Post �Friendly weed control....Ecotex� already exists.
Post �� already exists.
Post �Sell or buy� already exists.
Post �Sell or buy� already exists.
Post �Lucky burgers....� already exists.
Post �� already exists.

All done. Have fun!

Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.

file 3:

Skip to toolbar

11 Plugin Update

Howdy, jprent_landscaper

Log Out
Import WordPress
Failed to create new user for ben.wilkie. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for stuart.smith. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for Joanne Atkin. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for felix.blakeston. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to create new user for david.curtis. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.
Failed to import lm_counties Counties
Failed to import lm_counties East Sussex
Failed to import lmt_profile Equipment
Failed to import lmt_profile Equipment Screening & Recycling
Failed to import lmt_profile Excavators
Failed to import lmt_profile Green roofs
Failed to import lm_counties Kent
Failed to import lm_counties Lancashire
Failed to import mycarousel_category la test-landscaping-carousel
Failed to import lm_counties Leeds
Failed to import lmt_profile Lighting
Failed to import lmt_profile Machinery Equipment
Failed to import lm_counties Manchester
Failed to import lm_counties Northamptonshire
Failed to import lm_counties Nott inghamshire
Failed to import lm_products Products
Failed to import lm_products Roses
Failed to import lmt_profile Services
Failed to import lmt_profile Services Screening & Recycling
Failed to import lm_products Shrubs
Failed to import lmt_profile Sleepers supplies
Failed to import lm_products Soft fruit
Failed to import lm_counties Suffolk
Failed to import lm_counties Surrey
Failed to import lmt_profile Terrain aeration
Failed to import lm_products Tree ferns
Failed to import lm_products Trees
Failed to import lmt_profile Turf & grass seed
Failed to import lm_products Water plants
Failed to import lm_counties West Sussex
Failed to import lm_counties Worcestershire
Failed to import lm_counties Yorkshire
Failed to import lmt_profile Aeration
Failed to import lm_products Alpines
Failed to import lmt_profile Alternative fuels
Failed to import lmt_profile Artifical turf
Failed to import lm_products Bamboos
Failed to import lm_counties B uckinghamshire
Failed to import lm_products Buxus
Failed to import lm_products Cash & carry
Failed to import lm_counties Cheshire
Failed to import lm_products Climbers
Failed to import lm_products Conifers
Failed to import lmt_profile Drainage & irrigation
Failed to import lmt_profile Erosion control
Failed to import lm_products Ferns
Failed to import lmt_profile Gro undcare
Failed to import lm_products Hanging gardens
Failed to import lm_products Heathers
Failed to import lm_products Hedges
Failed to import lm_products Herbaceous
Failed to import lm_products Herbs
Failed to import lm_products Hostas
Failed to import lmt_profile Landscaping supplies
Failed to import lm_products Liners
Failed to import lm_products Nationwide
Failed to import lm_products Palms & tropical
Failed to import lm_products Patio plants
Failed to import lm_products Perennials
Failed to import mycarousel_category latest-landscaping-carousel
Failed to import Post �A very busy April �
Failed to import Post �High scores �
Failed to import Post �65th Anniversary�
Failed to import Post �Prize Winning Pools�
Failed to import Post �New utility vehicles�
Failed to import Post �Faster than ever�
Failed to import Post �Giving weeds a spot of bother�
Failed to import Post �Slope mowing�
Failed to import Post �Key days for tree care sector �
Failed to import Post ��2080 sitting at the bottom of garden�
Failed to import Post �Ashdown forest ..images May 2013�
Failed to import Post �From Apples to Apps �
Failed to import Post �COMPACTS GAIN APPROVAL �
Failed to import Post ��27 MILLION ORDER �
Failed to import Post �DEVON�S DIGGER MAN�
Failed to import Post �Mini and Midi Post Masters�
Failed to import Post �Ford Civil Engineering builds fleet�
Failed to import Post �VIDEO. John Deere 60 second challenge. (video) BTME2014�
Failed to import Post �May 2013�
Failed to import Post �Dakota Park�
Failed to import Post �APL at RHS Chelsea Flower Show�
Failed to import Post �Special Deal ... before the 31st December 2013�
Failed to import Post �SALTEX 2013 - BIGGER AND BETTER�
Failed to import Post �Native Biodiversity shines through... 2012 RHS Chelsea Flower Show Report�
Failed to import Post �The Homebase Garden, � Sowing the Seeds of Change��
Failed to import Post �The Laurent-Perrier Garden 2013 RHS Chelsea Flower Show �
Failed to import Post �Daily Telegraph Garden 2013 RHS Chelsea Flower Show �
Failed to import Post �Cloudy Bay Discovery Garden 2013 RHS Chelsea Flower Show�
Failed to import Post �Chelsea Pe ople�
Failed to import Post �Certificate of Commendation from Chelsea judges�
Failed to import Post �Zara Phillips visits John Deere at RHS Chelsea Flower Show�
Failed to import Post �Regional Demo Days develops�
Failed to import Post �Next issue - The Landscaper July 2013 �
Failed to import Post � Chelsea Awards announced �
Failed to import Post �Woodland Trust scoop bronze�
Failed to import Post �Plant of the Centenary�
Failed to import Post �LAUNCHED IN THE UK AND IRELAND�
Failed to import Post �Success at RHS Chelsea Flower Show�
Failed to import Post �Sustainable Landscape Event�
Failed to import Post �Overseeding�
Failed to import Post �Horrendous weather�
Failed to import Post �Editors Garden�
Failed to import Post �Safety first�
Failed to import Post �LATEST TRENDS....PlayFair 2013�
Failed to import Post �Over 1,000 already registered �
Failed to import Post �You are be autiful�
Failed to import Post �As Good As Grass�
Failed to import Post �Plenty of exhibitors �
Failed to import Post �SHOW MEDAL WINNING PLANTS �
Failed to import Post �NEW FENCING BREAKTHROUGH �
Failed to import Post �New tractor TGA Turf Show�
Failed to import Post �Four tonnes of pulling power�
Failed to import Post �Saving a valuable resource�
Failed to import Post �Winner at Central Park Stadium�
Failed to import Post �TIME TO TRIM THE HEDGES�
Failed to import Post �Fusion Media Selected �
Failed to import Post �Quintessential English garden�
Failed to import Post �Plants, plants and more plants �
Failed to import Post �Daring elements�
Failed to import Post �MARKETING CREATIVE�
Failed to import Post � Ride-on brushcutter to rescue�
Failed to import Post �Cash back offer � closes June 30�
Failed to import Post �Made for the country�
Failed to import Post �A TREND TOWARDS ZERO TURN �
Failed to import Post �SEVENTH SEASON OF SAVINGS �
Failed to import Post �Exclusivity,style and value�
Failed to import Post �Win Win Win - the worlds toughest phone!�
Failed to import Post �See what our readers say about The Landscaper�
Failed to import Post �Lighting up�
Failed to import Post �Illuminating the Outdoors with Lumena Lights�
Failed to import Post �Experience and passion�
Failed to import Post �European Quality Standards�
Failed to import Post �Grassing up�
Failed to import Post �Create stunning landscapes�
Failed to import Post �Installers Required�Smart Direct�
Failed to import Post �New equipment for stonepicking�
Failed to import Post �Right Tree �Right Place by �
Failed to import Post �Aeration always important�
Failed to import Post �Putting the fun into fencing�
Failed to import Post ��Contemporary yet classic desig n��
Failed to import Post �BIGGA SEMINARS AT SALTEX�
Failed to import Post �June 2013�
Failed to import Post �Hitting the road again�
Failed to import Post �Legacy lives on for Wildflower Turf�
Failed to import Post �New Managing Director�
Failed to import Post �The finishing touch �
Failed to import Post �Don�t stop planting just because it�s summer!�
Failed to import Post �Mulching its way through the work�
Failed to import Post �AQUA 2013 - fully booked �
Failed to import Post �BLEC expands range..Saltex 2013 �
Failed to import Post �Forgotten Spaces 2013�
Failed to import Post �Outstanding pitch results�
Failed to import Post �Best Show Garden�
Failed to import Post ��Beautiful Bride� wins �
Failed to import Post �Challenging the market�
Failed to import Post �One of the best yet!�
Failed to import Post �Sound of the 21st Century.... World Electric Land Speed Record�
Failed to import Post �Telescopic and articulated models�
Failed to import Post �Seeing the wood for the trees�
Failed to import Post �Europe�s biggest Gator fleet�
Failed to import Post �POWER EQUIPMENT�
Failed to import Post �Artificial plants and trees�
Failed to import Post �Best Show Ga rden�
Failed to import Post �Raking it in�
Failed to import Post �Summer of colourful blooms �
Failed to import Post �Biodiversity in a changing Climate�
Failed to import Post �Medals in abundance APL Wins at Hampton Court �
Failed to import Post �The Ecover Garden...Gold medal winner...Best Show Garden �
Failed to import Post �A Cool Garden...Gold medal winner..Best Summer Garden�
Failed to import Post �Desolation to R egeneration..Gold medal winner..Best Conceptual Garden�
Failed to import Post �Don't waste hard earned money!�
Failed to import Post �Proven solution to an urgent need�
Failed to import Post �July 2013�
Failed to import Post �Awards at the World's Largest Annual Flower Show�
Failed to import Post �LEADERS COLLABORATE ....Coronation Festival�
Failed to import Post �A vision for Glee�
Failed to import Post �Preparing for The Open�
Failed to import Post �NEW TRAINING CENTRES�
Failed to import Post �Why hedge your bets?�
Failed to import Post �BunkerMaster - par for the course�
Failed to import Post �Europe shrinking..... South America growing�
Failed to import Post �Instant hit..........RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.�
Failed to import Post �Green Roofing just got easier�
Failed to import Post �Largest regeneration project in E urope�
Failed to import Post �Council buys more tractors�
Failed to import Post �Shredding trees and shrubs �
Failed to import Post �Regardless of the weather�
Failed to import Post �Create stunning landscapes�
Failed to import Post �Coping with a Long Range Forecast�
Failed to import Post �Local Authorities First Choice�
Failed to import Post �Complete maintenance system�
Failed to import Post �Buffalo hunting at Saltex�
Failed to import Post �Multitude of tasks�
Failed to import Post �10,000 plants ....... Allotment in the sky�
Failed to import Post �QUALITY ON ALL FRONTS�
Failed to import Post �Suppliers to the Royal Family�
Failed to import Post �Sharp increase in sales�
Failed to import Post �All year round solution�
Failed to import Post �Campey goes Stateside�
Failed to import Post �Metallo arrives in UK �
Failed to import Post �Spray Training Course �
Failed to import Post �RoboVario �
Failed to import Post �Blinder Bunkers in Germany�
Failed to import Post �IOG Saltex 2013.... A-Z Exhibitors Details �
Failed to import Post �Top Gear from Countax�
Failed to import Post �French Connection 2013 �
Failed to import Post �FOUR OAKS TRADE SHOW 2013 ...BREAKING RECORDS!�
Failed to import Post �Win Win Win!!�
Failed to import Post �Challenge of a lifetime�
Failed to import Post �Gather the leaves, spread the cost !�
Failed to import Post �August 2013�
Failed to import Post �Larger range of wood splitters�
Failed to import Post �NEW FIX FOR LANDSCAPERS�
Failed to import Post �Landscape 2013 September 24 &25 2013 �
Failed to import Post �HAVS Costs Britain Nearly �5 Billion�
Failed to import Post �Keep an eagle eye on your hard earned cash!�
Failed to import Post �Caught on video �
Failed to import Post � SALTEX launch..... all-new X950R lawn tractor�
Failed to import Post �Polaris Britain �
Failed to import Post �Strong sales levels �
Failed to import Post � All-new product ranges �
Failed to import Post �Little Wonder Advanced Performance Vacuum�
Failed to import Post �New Viano product�
Failed to import Post �Excellent show�
Failed to import Post �Weed-IT technology now available for councils�
Failed to import Post �For tough weeds�
Failed to import Post �Online turf management�
Failed to import Post �DOUBLE BALI WINNERS�
Failed to import Post �THE EDGE�
Failed to import Post �WORKING HARDER THAN EVER�
Failed to import Post �September 2013�
Failed to import Post �Rough meets tough�
Failed to import Post �BALI - 2013 award winners�
Failed to import Post �GrootGroenPlus launches useful app�
Failed to import Post �Great Wall ...... 30 Second Challenge! �
Failed to import Post �EverEdge Thirty Second Challenge �
Failed to import Post �Blec ..30 second Challenge�
Failed to import Post �Weed Control ...Thirty Second Challenge�
Failed to import Post �STIHL .... Thirty Second Challenge �
Failed to import Post �Ransomes ... Thirty Second Challenge!!�
Failed to import Post �Post Pullers ...Thirty Second Challenge �
Failed to import Post �Polaris ...Thirty Second Challenge!!�
Failed to import Post �SCH.....Thirty Second Challenge!�
Failed to import Post �SISIS .... Thirty Second Challenge!!! �
Failed to import Post �Fun in the forest �
Failed to import Post �New landscaping supplies website�
Failed to import Post �Complete Freedom from Bracken �
Failed to import Post �Innovative and unique�
Failed to import Post �Anti-ballistic noise-reducing fencing�
Failed to import Post �Wheelchairs access to ancient woodlands �
Failed to import Post �October 2013�
Failed to import Post �High profile site�
Failed to import Post �Fabulous fountain needs a home�
Failed to import Post �Servicing is simple and economic�
Failed to import Post �Passion and dedication�
Failed to import Post �Wilt to full bloom �
Failed to import Post �Vital sales and marketing skills�
Failed to import Post �Venture Cove �
Failed to import Post �Thirty Second Challenge!!!�
Failed to import Post ��9 million plus business�
Failed to import Post �Landmark show- 25th birthday.... BTME 2014�
Failed to import Post �Annual rejuvenation�
Failed to import Post �Apprentice of the Year 2013�
Failed to import Post �Impressive New Sports Facilities �
Failed to import Post � Money well spent!�
Failed to import Post �Avoid winter damage�
Failed to import Post �Boost income �
Failed to import Post �Excellent opportunity .......Landscape Construction Manager�
Failed to import Post �Watch out thieves about!!�
Failed to import Post �Don�t miss the next issue of The Landscaper �
Failed to import Post �Marketing Specialist �
Failed to import Post �Compact tractors updated�
Failed to import Post � More thieves!!�
Failed to import Post �Open day success�
Failed to import Post � Top machinery dealers gather�
Failed to import Post �New efficient system�
Failed to import Post �For the birds�
Failed to import Post �Full national coverage�
Failed to import Post �One-stop-shopping�
Failed to import Post �NEW SLIMLINE CHAINSAW�
Failed to import Post �ANIMATED 3D FLY-THROUGH�
Failed to import Post �Etesia Celebrates 25 Years with Exclusive ï ¿½Silverline� Promotions�
Failed to import Post �Battersea Park, 24th � 25th September 2013 Lan dscape�
Failed to import Post �The Future of Urban Roofs�
Failed to import Post �Trilo ATT Rotadairon and Progressive�
Failed to import Post � Landscape 2013...... It worked! �
Failed to import Post �Expanded horizons�
Failed to import Post �The easiest way to lay a patio�
Failed to import Post �November 2013�
Failed to import Post �Chosen for Finish�
Failed to import Post �Mowing Partners�
Failed to import Post �Forget Me Not�
Failed to import Post �Successful Debut at GIE+Expo�
Failed to import Post �In all weathers�
Failed to import Post �Win-win solution�
Failed to import Post �$500,000 DONATION TO PHILIPPINES�
Failed to import Post �ALLISS AT BTME�
Failed to import Post �Return to BTME�
Failed to import Post �Built to Perform�
Failed to import Post �David Keary wins Design Competition�
Failed to import Post �Future Trends�
Failed to import Post �Shop online�
Failed to import Post �Estate Fencing�
Failed to import Post �Snow ploughing �
Failed to import Post �Full national coverage�
Failed to import Post �Dung Ho!�
Failed to import Post �Pole climbing�
Failed to import Post � Advertisers Interesting Fact�
Failed to import Post �Next Issue of The Landscaper �
Failed to import Post �Power to Harrogate�
Failed to import Post �Versatility is top requisite �
Failed to import Post �New sportsturf machines !�
Failed to import Post �Returning to BTME�
Failed to import Post �New models at Harrogate�
Failed to import Post �Exhibiting for the first time �
Failed to import Post �The CWC Stig Returns�
Failed to import Post �Extras free at BTME�
Failed to import Post �Win tickets to 2014 World Cup!!�
Failed to import Post �Landscape apprentice of the Year�
Failed to import Post �Environmentally friendly recycling �
Failed to import Post �Disease of Plane Trees�
Failed to import Post �Confidence boost�
Failed to import Post �Kerb appeal�
Failed to import Post �Spreading the load�
Failed to import Post �New tractor helps budding engineers�
Failed to import Post �WISE CHOICE FOR RHS WISLEY�
Failed to import Post �Reaches new highs�
Failed to import Post �Order now for voucher!�
Failed to import Post �December 2013�
Failed to import Post �Sickness costs �100 billion�
Failed to import Post �A bit of mystery for BTME�
Failed to import Post �First World War Donation�
Failed to import Post �Enhance your assets �
Failed to import Post �100 Bowling Greens in Five Weeks�
Failed to import Post �Don�t miss the January edition�
Failed to import Post ��Pick-up of the Year��
Failed to import Post �It just takes two�
Failed to import Post �Increased digital power�
Failed to import Post �New from Campeys BTME 2014 �
Failed to import Post �Terra Spike XP8 for FA National Centre�
Failed to import Post �Greenkeepers advised to stock up�
Failed to import Post �Fencing supplies�
Failed to import Post � Supplies every fencing need �
Failed to import Post �All types of garden fencing ... SW L ondon�
Failed to import Post �Fencing ... national supplier�
Failed to import Post � Management v acancy.....great opportunity�
Failed to import Post �Landscapers Diary 2014�
Failed to import Post �Book your place at the APL Awards 2014�
Failed to import Post �January 2014�
Failed to import Post �TRUSTMARK - NUMBERS SOAR�
Failed to import Post �Flexible answer...cutting units.�
Failed to import Post �Solution�
Failed to import Post �Solutions to Waterlogging!�
Failed to import Post �Instant Hedge- now 1 � 1.2m high�
Failed to import Post �Worlds most photographed gardens�
Failed to import Post �Positive impact�
Failed to import Post �Dealing with Aggression at Work�
Failed to import Post �Fast germination�
Failed to import Post �A positive revolution�
Failed to import Post � period�
Failed to import Post �French connections�
Failed to import Post �Aeration experts�
Failed to import Post �New Domestic Products for 2014�
Failed to import Post �First �smart� golf car�
Failed to import Post �Myerscough College 60 second challenge. BTME 2014 �
Failed to import Post �Jim Croxton, Chief Executive Officer BIGGA Exclusive interview BTME 2014�
Failed to import Post �Turf 60 second challenge BTME 2014 �
Failed to import Post �Blec 60 second challenge BTME 2014�
Failed to import Post �New Holland Groundcare 60 second challenge BTME 2014�
Failed to import Post �The Grass Group 60 second challenge BTME2014�
Failed to import Post �Campey Turf Care 60 second challenge BTME 2014�
Failed to import Post �Cycle of Life�
Failed to import Post �On- line course�
Failed to import Post �Boom time for sprayers�
Failed to import Post �ACE card from Polaris�
Failed to import Post �Win! Win! Win!.... �3000 makeover!�
Failed to import Post �BTME 2014 - A RECORD BREAKER�
Failed to import Post �BAMBOO X-TREME�
Failed to import Post �Test your axe and chainsaw skills�
Failed to import Post �Work to begin on Greenfingers garden�
Failed to import Post �Residential Construction booms�
Failed to import Post �101 apprentices �
Failed to import Post �2,000 pitches transformed�
Failed to import Post �Pippa and edible gardens�
Failed to import Post �Plant your own Bee Caf�
Failed to import Post �Shortlisted for award�
Failed to import Post �Outdoor furniture chosen �
Failed to import Post �February 2014�
Failed to import Post �When you�re in a slurry�
Failed to import Post �Silky Fox Handsaw Awards�
Failed to import Post �Key obstacles to small business growth�
Failed to import Post �New Pellenc Dealer�
Failed to import Post �Local authorities not enforcing SuDS�
Failed to import Post �Jub 60 second challenge�
Failed to import Post �Recycle material - save money�
Failed to import Post �Fixing the landscape�
Failed to import Post �Pressure on employers to increase pay �
Failed to import Post �Need hedging this Sum mer?�
Failed to import Post �Fighting the flab?�
Failed to import Post �Syngenta: BTME 2014 report �
Failed to import Post �Charterhouse Turf Machinery: BTME 2014 Harrogate Report �
Failed to import Post �The Grass Group: BTME 2014 report �
Failed to import Post �John Deere BTME report 2014�
Failed to import Post �Complete Weed Control- BTME report 2014�
Failed to import Post �TimberTech Garden Decking�
Failed to import Post �Rigby Taylor - 60 second challenge!�
Failed to import Post �Tony Draper�s little power house�
Failed to import Post �Top of the pots�
Failed to import Post �BLEC GLOBAL BTME 2014 REPORT�
Failed to import Post ï ¿½ BTME 2014 REPORT�
Failed to import Post �Headland Amenity BTME2014 REPORT�
Failed to import Post �Amazone Groundcare BTME 2014 REPORT�
Failed to import Post �Vitax Amenity BTME 2014 REPORT�
Failed to import Post �Inturf BTME REPORT 2014 �
Failed to import Post �Toro Machinery BTME 2014�
Failed to import Post �Campey Turf Care BTME 2014 REPORT�
Failed to import Post � �Windfall� for turbine owners�
Failed to import Post �Fun versatile long lasting and safe�
Failed to import Post �Artificial intelligence�
Failed to import Post �Etesia ....Ride on mowers special�
Failed to import Post �Husqvarna�s P520D Ride on Buy�
Failed to import Post �Henry Sheach Mowers Ride on Buy special feature�
Failed to import Post �STM... Ride on Buy special feature �
Failed to import Post �McMurtry Special Feature�
Failed to import Post �NEW Countax C Series Ride on Buy special feature�
Failed to import Post �Parts Depot�s Allmaeher AS 940 Sherpa �
Failed to import Post �FM48 HD 48in Flail Mower..... SCH Ride on Buy�
Failed to import Post �WhyRye�
Failed to import Post �WORLD WAR I FLOWER MIXES�
Failed to import Post �Unique Solutions to Waterlogging!�
Failed to import Post �Double Disc system- a wise investment�
Failed to import Post �New distinctive branding�
Failed to import Post �Ironwood... can last for a century! �
Failed to import Post �UFO SPOTTED ...... THE LANDSCAPER ... EXCLUSIVE �
Failed to import Post �Blooming good food�
Failed to import Post �Attract the bees�
Failed to import Post �Birds nest sc oop!�
Failed to import Post �Wonderful trees toppled by storms�
Failed to import Post �Tweet success!�
Failed to import Post �Close cut family �
Failed to import Post �HIGH TAIL�
Failed to import Post � Flooding - significant breakthrough�
Failed to import Post �MAKING SANDBAGS OBSOLETE�
Failed to import Post �New portable LED floodlight�
Failed to import Post �FLOODING IN TO HELP�
Failed to import Post �Staying on Track�
Failed to import Post �Register now!�
Failed to import Post �40 years of weed control�
Failed to import Post �Tough racking�
Failed to import Post �BALI and APL - Own pavilions�
Failed to import Post �HOT OF THE PRESS!!�
Failed to import Post �US golf show success �
Failed to import Post �Pansies and violas�
Failed to import Post �Turf - holy grail �
Failed to import Post �A tough, robust and reliable .................Walk behind Mowers�
Failed to import Post �Two New Mowers...Walk Behind Mowers �
Failed to import Post �The orange range walk behind mowers�
Failed to import Post �Their little ponies�
Failed to import Post �Perfect for drainage � perfect for hire�
Failed to import Post �Compaction Panning Relief!�
Failed to import Post �March 2014�
Failed to import Post �Bobcat, Bad Boy and Convertible�
Failed to import Post �NEW SPRAYER INNOVATIONS�
Failed to import Post ��Highly Commended� and lowest price!�
Failed to import Post �Efficient growth�
Failed to import Post �Essential Event - Trade and Public March 25-27�
Failed to import Post �Fighting UK Obesity�
Failed to import Post �Two new parks and three new pocket p arks�
Failed to import Post �Record year for new products�
Failed to import Post �Amazing success�
Failed to import Post �A day at the races �
Failed to import Post �Power houses�
Failed to import Post �Versatile material�
Failed to import Post �Rough cuts�
Failed to import Post �French praise sho ckwave�
Failed to import Post �CHAINSAW REACH 5 METRES HIGH�
Failed to import Post �Hedgehog -friendly garden�
Failed to import Post �Trip to Mars!�
Failed to import Post �Squares & gardens rejuvenated �
Failed to import Post �Massive green roof expansion.....Exclusive!�
Failed to import Post �Quick&Easy�
Failed to import Post �Smooth addition! �
Failed to import Post �On the pull �
Failed to import Post �No flyby night�
Failed to import Post �Gardening annoyances�
Failed to import Post �Excavator for UK�s Oldest Building Company �
Failed to import Post �New compact excavators �
Failed to import Post �SAVE TIME AND MONEY�
Failed to import Post �Rolling down the road�
Failed to import Post �Roboworld�
Failed to import Post �All-terrain remote control Brush Cutter�
Failed to import Post �Brush & grass cutter�
Failed to import Post �Garden maintenance- close to hospitals, cemeteries and nursery schools.�
Failed to import Post �A Brush with performance�
Failed to import Post �Support for Olympic trees�
Failed to import Post �Conifers for Col leges�
Failed to import Post �April 2014�
Failed to import Post �Step into Spring�
Failed to import Post �Demos impress�
Failed to import Post �Three into one will go�
Failed to import Post �Standing the Test of Time�
Failed to import Post �Talent seekers�
Failed to import Post �No resting on Laurels�
Failed to import Post � Great Easter trade boost�
Failed to import Post �Topping ev erything�
Failed to import Post �Sir Harold Hillier Gardens gets new turf�
Failed to import Post �Turning solar farms into biodiversity hotspots�
Failed to import Post �Fighting the invader�
Failed to import Post ��GARDEN OF ELEMENTS� �
Failed to import Post � New RHS web site�
Failed to import Post �Talk of the clubhouse�
Failed to import Post �'Unbeatable' roof garden substrates�
Failed to import Post �Turf Science to Scotland�
Failed to import Post �A 325th birthday!�
Failed to import Post �Streamlining artificial pitch maintenance�
Failed to import Post �Tough, versatile mower with class-leading agility�
Failed to import Post �INSPIRATIONAL�
Failed to import Post �May 2014�
Failed to import Post �Club stays open during renovation�
Failed to import Post �GUERNSEY GOES WILD �
Failed to import Post �Meet the legends at the GGM Field Day �
Failed to import Post �Timber Support�
Failed to import Post �100 UK schools receive Garden kits�
Failed to import Post �Disc seeder added to fleet �
Failed to import Post �Changing Places �
Failed to import Post �Big lamb stakes�
Failed to import Post �Three year warranty �
Failed to import Post �Star rated loppers �
Failed to import Post �Pam leaves Park after 16 years�
Failed to import Post �Landscape Show �
Failed to import Post �GaLaBau 2014 still growing!�
Failed to import Post �PLAYGROUND ORDERS FALLING �
Failed to import Post �Tractors gets a facelift�
Failed to import Post � Discover China�s Horticulture Industry�
Failed to import Post �High-performing, low vibration, easy to use�
Failed to import Post �All-round versatility�
Failed to import Post �Changing places... Nick Rudham... Penter�
Failed to import Post � ALL-IN-ONE!�
Failed to import Post �Plant Selfie�
Failed to import Post �Advantage - Hednesford Park�
Failed to import Post ��700,000 new contracts �
Failed to import Post �Dedicated to customer service�
Failed to import Post �UK parks in crisis�
Failed to import Post �Big stump - no problem�
Failed to import Post �WorldSkills �
Failed to import Post �Liverpool breaks new ground...SIS Pitches�
Failed to import Post �Fastest growing plant on earth....Moso Bamboo Surfaces�
Failed to import Post �Business for sale�
Failed to import Post �Dedicated website for BunkerMaster�
Failed to import Post �Shredded week....PSD Groundscare�
Failed to import Post �Very British summer �
Failed to import Post �Green creates quality of life�
Failed to import Post �Exclusive World Cup Coverage �
Failed to import Post �Flower power�
Failed to import Post �Great Wall.....30 second Challenge�
Failed to import Post �Great wall �
Failed to import Post �Great Wall - 30 second challenge!�
Failed to import Post �temp�
Failed to import Post ��
Failed to import Post �Safety First�
Failed to import Post �HowTo .....Lay a Path�
Failed to import Post �How to �
Failed to import Post �Where does rain go?�
Failed to import Post �35th anniversary!�
Failed to import Post ��
Failed to import Post � New compact Hydro 80 ride-on mower �
Failed to import Post �No resting on Laurels Laurica Plants are widely regarded as one of Europe's premier laurel nurseries. The bay trees grown at their Belgian nursery attracts many landscape architects and garden designers to see and inspect this material for themselves. The nursery prides itself in producing a large and standardised supply of uniform plants and a professional service to all clients All their plant material is grown at their nursery in Jabbeke, (10 km from Bruges) in an area known as the 'Mecca of Laurel cultivation'. Their trees are grown from cuttings that are taken from trees of over 100 years old. Following another successful IPM Essen this year, Laurica are now planning ahead for their series of both consumer and trade events in the U.K. for 2014. They will again will be showing their classic range of high quality Baytrees at this year's Hampton Court event. Classic Specimens for private clients The best quality Laurus Nobilis topiary is grown and manicured for sale at Laurica Plants and is very popular across the U.K. Laurica will be showing their whole assortment of plant material at the event including a wide choice of ideas for gifts or presents. Their range of big specimens are available for immediate delivery to the U.K. and are very popular within the private client sector. Shipping from Belgium to the UK is no problem. There are no phytosanitary certificates required and Laurica Plants have held the MPS quality label A for several years now. This is a quality label to show they respect the environment, producing high quality products with little use of spraying, fertilizing and energy. Tall and Mature Baytrees Laurica Plants has a large range of tall and mature baytrees. The orange baytree certificate is a quality guarantee. Care tips are also given via the certificate. All plants sold under the Laurica-plants label receive this guarantee, which stands for intensive quality control of the growth and cultivation process. Commercial activities for their plants also include sales and rental options for functions such as weddings and corporate hospitality. Tel: 0032 5081 1743. / �
Failed to import Post �Massive auction ..... .................Donington Park July 15 �
Failed to import Post �Waterproofing green roofing�
Failed to import Post �Ideal for landscapers and contrac tors�
Failed to import Post �BLEC GLOBAL SALTEX 2014 �

All done. Have fun!

Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.


18 FriCruiseFerry1226 - User 'Landscaper' has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 50000)
Added yoast seo
images are found here 02/FLOODING-IN-TO-HELPweb-1024x944.jpg

the site is hosted on the amazon aws cloud

 jazz jadd 2015 calendar to the shop .75
problems with flash on iphone, ipad,
my phone okay but needs flash installed 1.0
 kyladd new image for the homepage
update changes from testsite to training as training will become live next monday

change home page to have a carousel to display 6 images seperately as they look to busy

add another correspondent to the cms
 LCRemail alert campaign 190.500.00

19 Satadmin9:30 hair cut Michelle
tom and charlotte chapmans

21 Monkylcarousel for the home page. Syncing up the sites. Copy all across for the flip over. Few problems with the carousel not displaying on IE 5.500.00
 JHSchange the subscription page to reflect 2015 prices. Create word/pdf documents of both rate and sub forms

will need to update with new style when ready

22 TueJHSip address maintenance1.750.00
 kyladd new correspondent .5
investigation into xls creation 4.5
 CruiseFerryattempt to talk to Peter0.500.00

23 Wedadmintbc 6:15 no pool0.000.00
 kylproblem with editfixtures date function no longer works. One of the libraries functions bad subroutine - fu nctions_sub.php one version found in live directory. 0.003.50
 Traininginvestigation of plugins and templates as landscaper cnews has been customised so need to do further work 3.500.00

24 ThuJHSqueries re subs0.750.00
 kylstandardising of the output to create csv files and investigation into auto open xls page 5.000.00

25 Fripastoralinvestigate social media icons for joomla

Simplest plugin is the following:
http://www.viperwebsites. com/joomla-extensions/social-media-icons-links.html

added it to

need to rem out the link back as a credit to viper

C:Documents and SettingsJennyMy DocumentsDownloadsmod_socialmedialinks_
 LCRemail alert campaign 20
clean up emails on subs db
cleaned up chris's week of emails
updated inquirer
ran 3 labels across
 CruiseFerry$P$B RkTlbK/QLKEpL4o4qPk1FQ
$P$B MmpDHOhnNE5TCCgX5 Rl8akSo6VklR0
$P$B VQg1GJxRNPeSebyH/C88AHt/2IR/C.
$P$B hIde15OfRahhuvtQGOCiXR67G08B6/

these are all variations on my password md5 for wp
 kylxcClub.php work on club marks2.000.00

26 Satadminclaire and graham 50 birthday0.000.00

27 Sunadminceress

28 Monsubspg222.php
quoted names not working. Added addslashes() but this is changing the quote to a back tick. Investigated as to why and not sure. Think the OS may have changed.
 JHSip/queries maintenance1.750.00
 kylnew work - club
xls output

29 TueadminFailed to download content for your TomTom Start 25 with ID BL7272F90900
Please consult your network s ettings.

The URL is as follows:
 kylnew work marks
xls output

30 WedCruiseFerry

This is the old script for zmags

The ads are being directed by another plugin i think. the yudu is easier enough to add but looks like flash a problem on the template
 JHSip maintenance1.000.00

31 ThuTraining heme-basics/

attempting to understand wordpress
template cnews is an amalgamation of another template
 JHSpdf resent to author0.250.00
 CruiseFerryupdated posts from 15 july to current site
testing out differences
 jazz jadd August mag to shop .5
add and reset back issues to latest for the year
Goto Admin