Websites Calendar 2021

Job Times


January 2021

1 FriadminHMRC Cumbernauld Accountnumber:12001039 Sortcode:08 -32-10
pay first tax installment of 952.88 and at end June 2,587.35
 instructionsHeart internet pass Web4desH53d!
W1wymfss!JMP 123reg (old one R3tt1ngt0nJP this is websign-design)
W1wymfss!JMP 123reg jennymaryprentice@hot
 klsINSERT INTO `Lrate` (`ref`, `code`, `job`, `des`, `rate`, `year`, `exp`, `cur`) VALUES
(179, 'FUL', 4, 'FULL', '60.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£'),
(180, 'HON', 4, 'HONORARY', '0.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£'),
(181, 'RET', 4, 'RETIRED', '30.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£'),
(182, 'NPR', 4, 'NON PRACTISING', '0.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£'),
(183, 'ASS', 4, 'ASSOCIATE', '30.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£'),
(184, 'FRT', 4, 'TRAINEE FREE', '0.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£'),
(185, 'FRS', 4, 'STUDENT FREE', '0.00', 2022, '0000-00-00', '£')
 turkeypaid 300 gbp to kaunos0.000.00

2 Satklslooking at creating cron job for automation of newsletters and to hopefully by sending in batches of 100 every hour reduce the involvement of Jon and myself for server failures. 0.002.00

3 Sunadmincreated and sent 3 invoices for year end
booked lids for holiday to turkey 18th to 2 june
 klslooking at creating cron job 0.002.00

4 Monadminwritten and worked out outstanding to caxtons money for rosier court.
emailed chris hidson for help mortgage extension
Chris is going to look for a product transfer with no restrictions on early payment 2 illustrations by midday tomorrow

5 Tueadmingeneral waste collection - too late
rang solicitor re posthouse 12:30
spoke to Barbie
took christmas decorations down
put in the loft
washing sheets and clothes
raining all day
mortgage to be sent tomorrow
 klsjobshed worked on.
kls paid 750 today into my account

6 WedadminBased on the income declared your tax position is as follows-
Total tax due £5,330.00
Les tax paid on account (6,802.55)
tax overpaid £1,472.24
First payment on account £2,665.15 payable 31 January 2021
Second payment on account £2,665.15 payable 31 July 2021
pay first tax installment of 952.88 and at end June 2,587.35

drop florentines and card off to barbie birthday 66
new mortgage sorted with chris hidson charge of 4000 for the benefit but

anne broke her ankle falling in her kitchen today early morning ambulance at 2pm suggested they got her to hospital without ambulance. she has a foot boot on and they have not yet set the foot in plaster as not sure how to do it.

 klsjobshed worked on.0.004.00

7 ThuadminI have booked Mrs Clare Thornes to view the above property at 11:00am on Thursday, 7th January 2021.
I will be accompanying.
We will let you know how the viewing goes.

Mr Paul Robertson
T: 01227454111
clare in her 50's with elderly mother excentric loved the house selling canterbury not interested when saw the satelite garden
2nd couple loved the house from longfield in dartford chartham area mid 50 negative about height of ceiling in kitchen lady small man tallish and he was not bothered but did bang his head on the kitchen door out to courtyard and the door towards the bathroom. have dogs so all else loved
finns quoted for old bakery
 klsjobshed worked on.0.004.00

8 Friklsupdate training-course-booking-confirmation and boo k-training-course modules which hold the DX details as per email from Emma
and change wording to 2021 planner though she can do this
jobshed worked on.
 adminput bay tree in trogg with bark
email chris re 100k payment

Ralphy died today and davids mates elif and louis have left ian is replacement

9 Satadminmorrisons shop
put christmas tree outside and in a trogg next to garden shed
lids arrived 7:30
check out reports for post house
email toms partner re 100k for jamie
email dan to thank for william and mary

10 SunadminLids going back after lunch. jamie to fix chair and give her a foldup chair
not the case I am going to clean up marys chairs and reupolster them with orange velvet and maybe one of yewtree chairs we will need if have a big meal
work on chairs 3 hours sanding

11 Monadminrecycle waste
sanding chairs 4 hours
printout chris hidson reports pdfs still no news re 100k

12 Tueadminselecting photos for harriets game for lids 5 hours 0.000.00

13 Wedadmincleaning chairs 5 hours
bath and hair wash
walk to post birthday cards
check out post house
create web page for harriet on

spoke to emma charlotte has an absess but emma at aunts till 22 jan and can stay longer but needs to get back for an appointment. john and lucy back in london


14 Thuadmin1pm cassie 14 jan
lockdown cancelled
copy some more photos still got 2012 missing

still sanding chairs and first sealant
got padding from attic
need to start doing this
 klsMore trouble with the portal I'm afraid. I am trying to set up a mail-out, but the set-up page is misbehaving. I have selected Data (ALL) and Content (14.1.21) , but I cannot create a Subject.

I have to select ALL at this stage of the year because so many firms have not yet renewed for 2021 - about 400 members still to go.

Thank you. Yes, it was the Create Job button that was not appearing yesterday, no matter how long I waited. It did appear this morning, and on pressing it I got this message.

only one person can have the same

I suppose that in selecting All I am picking up various test emails you have on the database. I have had this happen before and I have cleared it in the past by locating and deleting one of your test emails, so as you say, the original problem was probably at Servage or a cache issue on my computer. Could you decide which test email you don't really need?

15 Friklsproblem with junk mail which has kls website in the subject line
problem with the portal not showing create button. Think this could be just a servage go slow
and then getting error

I am wondering if it is the cron schedule job which sinks up public db with klsmembers

the content has a lot of garbage formatting so had to remove this.
first tranch of emails look bad but next lot not too bad after cleaning up

3 hours
 adminseal again the chairs and polish twice 2.0
jamie doing the wood shed which i helped him move it round to the utility side. very heavy

16 Satadminpossible general waste collection
work on padding on chair to prevent nail hardness hurting legs 4.0 hours

17 SunadminAnnes stepmother margeret's house for sale
18, Bergamot Close, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 4EY
1 bed, Flat £132,995 22 Dec 2006
added on 23 nov 2020 for sale with robinson michael jackson for 190k - 210k

alice in her flat in tonbridge this weekend but coming back to help anne. dick on furlow till mid feb
2 bedroom barn conversion for sale 260
Eaton-On-Tern, Market Drayton

I have completed 2 chairs stuck the trim on

18 Monadmin2pm karen leadbetter st stephens dental practice
cancelled as one of the dental nurses family tested positive so now having to close the surgery for a few days. moved appointment to 3 feb 4.50pm
 diariesLids 30 year timeline
1991 january lids born
joan alexander dies and i take diana to funeral drop off lids at granny meggies
april starts going to childminder sharon in Deptford

1992 june holiday at Sarahs take iz and diana with us

1993 jan france skiing with jan,jeremy, jamie, and alex
march lizzies for mollys christening
april in hospital low blood sugar as gastro enterisis on wednesday when picked her up from sandras, maundy thursday not good no food, good friday taken to greenwich hospital
spent 3 days in hospital. took her to wormshill to recover
june at sarahs for a week diana and iz dropped out
july france with sharon, barbie and rosie
see hariet and rose august at court lodge
September lids joins nursery at Riverston after having chicken pox in August

1994 celebrate mummys 80th at court lodge

1995 lids goes into reception in april
august goto st malo and brittany family holiday
September lee manor

1996 france with granny meggie and granpa August
joe and joanna mossy and alison rofneuf

1997 brittany again with big house joe and joanna, jan and jeremy

1998 france again joe and joanna caravan
tom and charlotte one house and us another

1999 move to the post house november
lids goes to chartham school


2001 get molly in february foot and mouth
Sally and john look after molly

2002 August portugal

nov molly 9 puppies llids at lockdown girl guides in whitstable bowling club

2003 France brittany and south west with sophie
start chaucer in september

2004 may charlottes marriage. lids and me paint 11 gates down at wormshil most weekends
august dad gets married to clare we and diana are in spain

2005 august Sicily
oct granny meggie dies
november mary's house let
nov charlottes ellen born

2007 feb mary died
june hannah married
i take lids and friend to newquey and stay at sarahs for a few days

2008 jun mummy died
a levels
december cape verdi holiday

2009 a levels
finish school
working part time at sunglasses becomes full time

2010 sunglasses
november take lids to manchester to see uni

2011 Sep Spain seville and C...
6 september take lids to manchester plus jamie
5 september cancelled mamogram
29 actual mamogram
17, 21 Oct tests more 24,26,28th confirmed cancer
19th dec operation

2012 may holiday with Barbie
paralympics lids and jamie goto london
i am not well
I take llids to manchester
November purchase rosanna and I goto dalyan wiht diana

2013 april lids, diana and me in dalyan
june collect lids and charlie deliver to Folkestone from manchester

2015 5 July jamie takes lids to heathrow to got to Thailand
16 Sep she returned
I take lids to manchester
Oct Jeremy and Shirley married
Bracken dies

2016 18th may lids finish uni and the 3 of us goto dalyan
August she goes to australia
Starts job at cummins
get her an automatic peugot from lady at campsite

2017 may grandad dies
june lids purchases flat

2018 jun lids moves to Blackheath

2019 may jamie in ashford hospital heart problem
i go with anne to frances for a few days
jun we goto scotland for family reunion
Iz and Naveed get marrid


19 Tueadminspoke to godiva
need to ring on Friday and get their sortcode etc to do a bank transfer
can only accept 50k per day if done online

polish chairs again
watch paddington 2 on bbc

spoke to lids car door still not arrived
RHS dog roses arrived today via yodel

20 Wedklslook at emails0.000.50
 admin2 hours gardening dog rose hedge0.002.00
 me12 stone 8lbs

21 Thuklslook at spam email problem and create a rule to move these emails automatically to a folder 1.0 0.000.50
 adminfrances rang re problem with her dog
david rang in the evening for a chat
gardening 3 hours dog roses hedge
looked at equity loans for lids

22 Friadminrecycle
ring godiva
hopefully car door to be delivered - yes finally here
paid 300 council tax post house
paid ins silk cottage
3 hours gardening

23 Satadmincancelled dd for rentain with godiva as instructed
digging roses 3 hours
garden centre 2 bags of compost more bulbs

24 Sunme12 stone 4 lbs
 adminlydia here at 2pm
clean up and tidy up
make soup
got out vitamix going to try it out

25 Monadmincar door taken to tobins by jamie
and car
it fits and will be
4.5 hours gardening dog roses
went to morrisons no preserving sugar for seville oranges bought frozen fruit to try out icecream maker
money released to godiva
very frosty all day

26 Tueadminring godiva - phew money gone through and they said the early payment charges would come into effect but as it was a misunderstanding they are taking out the repayment and will put it back on 1st feb as i was hoping with no charges. the closing of the account triggers taking off charges on the property etc and this takes upto 10 days before complete when will receive another letter confirming this.
gardening finished digging and planting dog roses
4.0 hours
Now need to start potting out the bulbs.

27 Wedadmin abin-20ft-x-10ft-external-dimensions-6m-x-2-9m-inte rnal-height-2-5-m/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItYmIpJa87gIVTe 3tCh1_6wDWEAQYASABEgJKxPD_BwEwalk with terrie

1 hour gardening

28 Thuadminentered a competition to go on a cruise to russia st petersburg

viewing at posthouse 10.30 couple from london renting house 4 storey old house he grew up in chartham and have a 3 year old boy. were originally planning on buying a flat in whitstable but now decided not to live in london anymore and work from home

4.5 hours gardening planting bulbs and cleaning up greenhhouse

29 Friadmingardening 1.5 hours planting bulbs

got tested for aysmptomatic covid result in 30 minutes pretty good though got thouroughly soaked queing in st peters st
bought more compost 3 bags and some more bulbs

30 Satadminrain all day
purchased ecifications
hopefully to remove mould
if it works will use at lids flat

ordered from acs mould paint and waterproof softwood beads. Need this beads to prevent front fence from deteroiting too quickly as not like chestnut pailing

second batch of marmalade


31 Sunadmin12.30 at terries to walk pennypot lane

htt ps:// d33b91f29d1007cbfecc3f4818b1

gardeing in dec/january prune rambling rose; trim hedges
Goto Admin